Yes, I have an auto, so I desperatly need an interceptor. Where is the cheapest I could buy one from? Thank you to all your input and recommendations~
ALSO, what settings do most of you have yours at that have them??(it doesn't hurt anything does it?)
As far as cheapest....I got mine from Karo@ believe shipping was free but I'm not sure.....
Car is for Sale!Supercharger kit is for sale!
if you are comfortable and competant enough to cut some covreing off a wire, and could sodder, i would suggest the B&M Shiftplus, the Autotrans is plug and play, and adjust outside of car, where Shiftplus you have to splice into a wire, but after that, you can control it from inside the car, so if you want it off normally you can pop it on whenever you want, and its a fraction of the price, like 30 bux shipped at most.
I keep mine on 1, and then flip it to 2 when I race or just to test it out every once in a while.
either way talk to karo , he can get you a deal on either 1
Classifieds...they are usually for sale there / 732-742-8837