I was wondering is there anything different I have to due when turbo-charging an 2.2L automatic Cavalier? Also, is the smart thing to do? If it is possible, when it comes to tuning the turbo, is it harder to be tuned? Just looking for some insight before I go through getting a turbocharger. I don't wont a supercharger. So if the turbo idea is not the way to go, then I will just build by motor to handle an good amount of NOS.
Turbos are actually better for turbo cars in all honesty. Sure, manuals are more fun to drive, and they are typically known to sustain more power stock for stock. However... an automatic car doesn't lose boost in between gears. Nothing is different in setup or tuning really.
I was a retard, and now I'm permanently banned.
Turbos are actually better for turbo cars in all honesty. Sure, manuals are more fun to drive, and they are typically known to sustain more power stock for stock. However... an automatic car doesn't lose boost in between gears. Nothing is different in setup or tuning really.
yep my friend has a 04 auto WRX and he is just as fast if not faster than any STI. Having an auto means you are keeping the psi constant and therefore you are not losing any power thru shifts. as long as you build it up to hold the power you will be fine.
Stevin, give me till December and I'll show you what a Turbo Automatic can do. Give me a couple months after that and I'll show you a Turbo Automatic with a rebuilt motor on 16+ PSI
www.kronosperformance.com / 732-742-8837
i wish hahn would make an auto kit for the eco? I need one badly
Kevin Noss He has been around for a while.
here is his
His is an auto
2004 Grand Prix GTP (Competition Group)
SOLD-->1999 Z24 5M-
#30 to register on
"You can please some of the people some of the time but you can't please all the people'
all the time
GHJorge564 wrote:i wish hahn would make an auto kit for the eco? I need one badly
Actually, you can use the Hahn kit BUT you have to make your own downpipe and possibly change how the chargepipes run. That's it.
www.kronosperformance.com / 732-742-8837
Yeah there are actually a few of us on hear that will be testing the water. I am peiceing my own kit also. 10 psi to start stock internals. there arent to many eco auto turbos. ( there are some just not many) but any way like they said the auto has potential it just needs to be done right.
Kick azz is my boost hero!!! 
ok, will I still be able to hear the blow off valve while the automatic transmition shifts its gears ?
I have a 2200 3 spd and will be going turbo after december........
BTW does anybody knows what BOV sounds like a whisle ?
no you cant hear the bov between gears, bov opens when the TB closes, you don't let off the gas in an auto...
and so far my 2.4 auto is holding up great to 10lbs of boost
you can do what i do on the street and let off in between shifts to make it sound like a 5 speed. I know its poser but how else are the neighborhood rice retards gonna know im packin psi. and what they all say i agree with not letting off while racing means a constant flow of forced air
check my registry for a nicely built auto Z24 And after the third trans I still love it. But a 2.2 auto is the slowest platform to go with. Good luck with that. .
01 Z24 Turbo
surprisingly, I have seen a minimally modified auto PT Cruiser GT running right on par with similarly modded SRT4's (which are only available manual). Personally, with the way my synchros are acting, I almost wish the Beetle had an auto trans...
The only thing to take into account with turbocharging an auto is you want to take into account that you are increasing the amount of load on the trans and should do what you can to protect it. Since the torque converter acts as a huge cushion you have less shock to the driveline, so generally speaking, you can run more power on an auto without breaking, BUT, its in your best interests to install a fairly large transmission fluid cooler (bypass the stock one that is part of the radiator, unless you live in a climate that sees a lot of sub-zero temps), and change your trans fluid and filter regularly (if you spend a lot of time whooping on it, I'd say twice a year, if you don't see much track time, than once per year. Its not hard to do, and not too much more expensive than an oil change. 90% of all transmission failures are due to overheated/burnt/old fluid, so keeping the fluid cool and fresh will make the trans last a long time.
Also for higher performance, look for a higher stall torque converter.... is it necessary? No, but if you want to get the most performance out of an auto its a good idea.
If i ever build a primarily race-oriented turbo project car, it will most likely be something with a worked over and race-prepped auto, no having to come off the power, no missed shifts, no breaking the trans because of a miscommunication between foot and hand, and buttloads of consistency for drag racing.
Arrival Blue 04 LS Sport
'Nuff said
what all of you say is true, but a good driver in a manual, in my opinion, will always win. if youre fast on the clutch and shifter, you can just hammer on it and stay in boost through th whole shift... just be careful not to toast your clutch going from first to second.
auto milita is all I have to say
Kick azz is my boost hero!!! 
rob (the one with the vette) wrote:what all of you say is true, but a good driver in a manual, in my opinion, will always win. if youre fast on the clutch and shifter, you can just hammer on it and stay in boost through th whole shift... just be careful not to toast your clutch going from first to second. 
Lol, an exceptional driver, yes, up to a POINT. Granted we're not talking about 7 second cars here but keep in mind that most of the fastest and winningest full drag cars are autos... I dunno though, if in a street car versus street car drag race, if both cars put the same power to the wheels, I believe the auto would win 3 out of 5 times. That is of course assuming equal whp.... Oh, and you don't burn the clutch going from 1st to 2nd, you burn it in the launch... shifts aren't nearly as destructive.
Arrival Blue 04 LS Sport
'Nuff said
Scarab (Jersey Jay 1.8T) wrote:rob (the one with the vette) wrote:what all of you say is true, but a good driver in a manual, in my opinion, will always win. if youre fast on the clutch and shifter, you can just hammer on it and stay in boost through th whole shift... just be careful not to toast your clutch going from first to second. 
Lol, an exceptional driver, yes, up to a POINT. Granted we're not talking about 7 second cars here but keep in mind that most of the fastest and winningest full drag cars are autos... I dunno though, if in a street car versus street car drag race, if both cars put the same power to the wheels, I believe the auto would win 3 out of 5 times. That is of course assuming equal whp.... Oh, and you don't burn the clutch going from 1st to 2nd, you burn it in the launch... shifts aren't nearly as destructive.
But isnt one of the reasons that sticks are faster is becuase of there smaller gear ratio. more gears better accelaration. more time in your power band?
I would imagne a 5 speed would take a 4 speed. (not takeing into account auto or stick)
Kick azz is my boost hero!!! 
dragracemyz24 wrote:a 2.2 auto is the slowest platform to go with. Good luck with that. .

fortune cookie say:
better a delay than a disaster.
GHJorge564 wrote:i wish hahn would make an auto kit for the eco. I need one badly
You sir are getting annoying. I have told you in private but will now tell you in person so everyone knows it so next time you post this very same line or idea other people can smack you for not taking your chance.
You wanted me to talk to Bill about selling you a kit minus piping so you could try and make it work. I mentioned it to him and he gave me two options for you. Both of which he would have told you about if you HAD EMAILED HIM LIKE I TOLD YOU TO!
1) Bring the car to Hahn to have a kit test-fitted and tuned and made to work properly so Bill could in good faith sell an auto Ecotec kit.
2) Buy from somewhere else or don't buy at all.
Now since you haven't emailed me a time to bring your car to my shop for me to take to Bill and you haven't set a time to drop off your car with him either I am assuming you have chosen option 2. Now I'm sorry to say it but you sir have screwed yourself over. You had the chance but you missed it.
Now then. Automatic turbo cars are fun IF, and only IF, you have a transmission built to hold the power and effectively transfer it to the ground. If you get slip so bad that your losing 45% of your power in the transmission there is no point in turboing. But if you can build the trans to lose only what a manual transmission does or slightly more then the benefits of the auto really come out. I'm have heard a few options for a trans to use but I'm not saying anything till its proven cause I don't want people to take things I've heard, there's lots, as gospel.

I used to race cars, now I race myself.
5K PB: 24:50
10K PB: 54:26
When i was at the Hahn pre-meet b4 the 04 bash i ask Bill why they didnt make a kit for a car with an eco engine and an auto trans. One of the main reasons he told me and everyone around me was the tourque converter (I'll let him explain y) among other reasons, thats why I bought my 05 5spd. Sure you can turbo charge your auto your going to pay a lot to do it most likely more then you would to turbo a 5sp you will go through a tranny or two, or you could spend a few grand on one tranny and go with a level 10 racing tranny like the one that was in Bob Mull's evil Z which was an auto 2.4 with a custom hahn kit. either way its your money do with it what you will but dont cry about it later when your car isnt running cause you blew the tranny or you have to buy a new one.
A new breed of J will be unleashed in 05
Creating the E-RACER one mod at a time
Member of J-Factor
Member of Wisc's J's
1/4 mile 16.084 @ 84.90 (Stock Z) 01 SPDY Z24
E-RACER-05 (RADIO WAVE DAVE) wrote:When i was at the Hahn pre-meet b4 the 04 bash i ask Bill why they didnt make a kit for a car with an eco engine and an auto trans. One of the main reasons he told me and everyone around me was the tourque converter (I'll let him explain y) among other reasons, thats why I bought my 05 5spd. Sure you can turbo charge your auto your going to pay a lot to do it most likely more then you would to turbo a 5sp you will go through a tranny or two, or you could spend a few grand on one tranny and go with a level 10 racing tranny like the one that was in Bob Mull's evil Z which was an auto 2.4 with a custom hahn kit. either way its your money do with it what you will but dont cry about it later when your car isnt running cause you blew the tranny or you have to buy a new one.
I understand what you're saying but I can bet you that the 4t40e (of course in already good condition) can handle more power than a 5-speed and handle it with no problems. I entend to prove this as well...so enough talking for me...
www.kronosperformance.com / 732-742-8837
Hmm... I'm thinking about doing something similar. 2200 auto 4spd (1,2,3,D). If I'm only planning on running a low amount of boost (say, 6 or 7psi) would I really burn transmissions all that often? Would tranny & Engine mounts help with this? Hoping I can run stock internals & fuel equipment as well. Ahh, true bolt-on installation would be nice.
yep my friend has a 04 auto WRX and he is just as fast if not faster than any STI. Having an auto means you are keeping the psi constant and therefore you are not losing any power thru shifts. as long as you build it up to hold the power you will be fine.
im hoping this is a modded wrx. if not no way it could keep up w/ an STi because it's automatic.
but back on point.....auto's are good for launching when you go turbo. able to launch the car under load (which means you'll be under boost when you launch). now it is possible to do this with a manual, but more difficult as it means feathering the clutch before you launch to produce the load. just sitting with the gas pressed so your at 3-4k rpm wont produce the same load in boost on a manual car as it would w/ an automatic in gear.
***Need an '00 or up Cavalier shell...stock prefered...email me and make an offer***
-I agree with 99% of the post made above. The power needs to be destributed to the ground efficiently is true. Bad slipping is power loss.
-Hahn doesnt and hasnt wanted to make a eco or 2.4 auto kit for years for the simple fact that they did and broke one on a 2.4 testing stopped thereafter because they would have had alot of broken trannys.
-There are a few select people on here running very well with auto but the majority of the people have problems with their 4 speeds. Dont know about the 3 speed guys.
-If you do a search in the transmission forum you will see several posts by me in the past few months because i have had every trans problem possible and am now on a very sturdy one with 20k on it that i got for 128 bucs.
-I figure if they last me one summer then I am ok with that at this point.
1st trans was the original one and suffered extensive abuse by me over the years. interceptor and 100% and downshifting etc... Just beat to crap.
2nd trans was purchaced off of ebay and was told was IT out of a 01 Z24. It turns out it was a Saturn L series bell housing < I did not think of that upon purchace. Drove two hours to pick it up down south illinois. cost 500.00
had orig . trans pulled at my buddy phils shop. he charged 350.00 . We then realized the trans about to go in was not the correct one upon closer inspection. I took it to a person my pops knew and he swapped out the parts from the L Series trans into my orig casting. 300.00 . Phil then swapped her back in. along with the YANK CONVERTER.
^ Make a long story short the trans lasted less than 200 miles and rather than ripping it apart to find the problem I found another one
3rd trans for 128.00 on ebay . Shipping was 157.00 So for around 300 I had another fairly new 4T40E with 20k on it. And 350 more to put in. lol I didn't know if the yank converter was cause of the problem so it is not in the new trans. And so far it is holding its own . But the weather is alot colder now and my trans temps are very low compared to in the summer days.
If you do turbo your auto be carefull not to destroy it. You can see that dealing with transmissions for me is not a fun thing so I hope you dont end up in the same boat. LIke i said earlier good luck to all who attempt it.
AUTO MILITIA FOR THE LIFE < of what trans number your on.
01 Z24 Turbo
I actually responded to another post today on this topic so i'll just quote myself from it.
Skilz10179 wrote:
I've been beating the @!#$ out of my car for the last 5 years. I've been threw 3 motors, 2 nitrous systems, and 2 different turbos and the only thing stock on my car these days is my 4T40E 4 speed trans. I'm currently making a hair over 300hp and it hasn't broke yet.
- 93 mph in the 1/8 mile
Member of J-Body Of Michigan.