well just thought I;d let you guys know the car is running great right now on 9 psi. Stock fuel pump, 370cc injectors and a FMU.
When I hit boost the a/f is 12.2 and shortly there after its at about 11.6, 11.4
I just got my dss stage 2 axles in
my msd box is fried but its in TX getting fixed, waiting to get that back
I have a walbro sitting here, new injectors.. basically looking for a fuel setup to run 14 psi. it's hard finding injectors for the 02 rail.
I beat the crap out of it and not a bad noise out of the engine....
Only problem right now is the gasket at the turbo is broken (turbo to manifold) so we gotta spend a couple hrs and fix that.
does anyone have any recomendations on what to use for loc-tite? I have a problem with the bolts on the turbo to manifold flange backing off... thanks!
LE61T PTE6262 Powered
any idea what caused the msd to fail yet?
1989 Turbo Trans Am #82, 2007 Cobalt SS G85
i heard that the saab injectors are a direct replacement for the 02 rail.. i might be wrong tho
here comes the boost!
great stuff, always been a fan of your car
post some times or some vids
happy happy joy joy
does anyone have any recomendations on what to use for loc-tite? I have a problem with the bolts on the turbo to manifold flange backing off... thanks
We had this problem as well. First when replacing it get new lock washers. Put everything back together, nice and tight. Start it up let it get to normal temp. Maybe rev it a little. Shut it down and go hit the bolts again. After that check them in a week. You should be good after that. The heat, and then cooling off sometimes lets them loosen up. We never used lock tite or anything.
if you use locktite, you have to let it dry for SEVERAL hours for it to cure. even after it dries, it will get hot and burn off a little bit when it heats up.
he needs to quit being a pansy and race it !!
1989 Turbo Trans Am #82, 2007 Cobalt SS G85
nice update. glad to hear things are going well for you.
get the accel injecters they fit fine with my 02 rail, and the 03 rail sucks if you try to use a fmu with it that hahn uses and also the walbro pump works good
what accel injectors you have that work with the 02 rail?
1989 Turbo Trans Am #82, 2007 Cobalt SS G85
some from hahn.. but as far as I know hahn told me they didnt have accel injectors that fir the 02 rail, they had an 03 rail adaptor kit for the 02 rail
LE61T PTE6262 Powered
lock washers and blue locktite should keep that tight as a ten year old.
u did go tighten them up after a heat and cool down thou right? u have to do that to most exhast pieces after brand new installation.