Whats up guys. I have a 98 S-10 2.2. I have been all over the S-10boards and I just cant get all the info I want. I plan on using a stock turbo out of a dodge stealth. I am sure it is a mitsubishi. I want to run 5-6 psi.So here it goes:
1: The fuel system, I have thought about using a FMU. I found this:
I keep hearing about cartec but I cant find any info on it.
Should I just upgrade the fuel pump and injectors? If so where can I find the injectors to run 6 psi of boost?
2: Electronics, I already have a boost controler picked out. I am going to go with Greddy. What about timing?
The mods I have now engine wise are an intake and custom header. I plan on getting a 56mm TB soon also. I hope you guys can help. Thanks!
This should help you out a little. I plan on using a warblo and an acufab fpr and a cartec When i finally get my 2200 built. Heres a link to where i plan on getting my pump and fpr. I can't find the link off hand for the cartec if i find it i will post.
I'm sure you'll get many more responses in a day 2 tops as most guys here respond fairly quick.
go to j tuner .com
slide or die
I cant find the site?
What is a good turbo to use that has an internal wastegate and is good for 6 psi?
www.jtuners.com is the link he ment to give you .