Wondering which three guages I should buy, I know boost and Oil pressure but should the third be Air Fuel, or Fuel Pressure?
My set up will consist of
Apexi SAFC 2
320cc Injectors
Cartech FMU

http://members.cardomain.com/vertz24 1998 Z24 Convertible
the air/fuel would just be a light show, unless you have the AEM wideband with their a/f gauge.
ive got a wideband gauge , fuel pressure , volts, boost , auto trans temp , and the areo force scan gauge
i would go with the fuel pressure ..instead of A/F, or even better EGT guage if you can.
I would get the mini fuel pressure gauge on the actual fuel line. and an egt or wideband
My Car
I have the mini fuel pressure guage on the fuel rail, still am not sure what the third guage should be, I want it to be useful.

http://members.cardomain.com/vertz24 1998 Z24 Convertible
get the wide band o2 gauge , since you doing your own fuel to live with the s/c
yep..... wide band or pyro....... wide band being the #1 choice
'02 Z24 420whp
'04 GTO 305whp
W41 BOI -
'78 Buick Opel Isuzu W41 Swap
tire pressure guage
you are on the right track with the guages
I got boost, oil pressure, egt, fuel pressure, and (as soon as it gets here) aem wideband a/f gauge. So many damn things to monitor when driving it at full throttle lol...
Narrowband a/f gauge is worthless, widebands are pricey but worth it... wideband is cheaper than a new engine so I'd go with that.