It has been a real long while since I have posted here so I forgot most of this info..but I'm trying my damndest to get back into it. What is the recommendation for a turbo that spools before 3K and is efficient >60% up to around 10 psi? Are there any? What is a cheap varient that I could get decent response out of? I remember a great deal of people having success with the T3 Super 60's. Has that changed?
Will race for food
..check out my miscellanous mods
yea most people still recommend the t3 super 60. I know thats what i was gonna use if i was gonna turbo my car but since i have a extended warranty on my car i wanted some sort of power without hurting it so i went with the gm supercharger
J-Bo driver once again.......
It all depend on how much power you want. PSI doesn't mean Hp.
I went with a T3/T04E. .48 on the turbine side and .70 on the compressor side. I have boost at 1500rpm.
If you want alot of power with less psi, get a T3/T04E.
If you want big boost number but not alot of Hp, get a small turbo.
2.3 Ho
What trim on the turbo. I had my eyes set on a Super-50 in T3/T4, but ended up spending the money on some other stuff. Also how much boost are you making at 2K? 3K? 4K? DO you have a compressor map for your turbo? I'd like to see the efficiency on it.
Will race for food
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