Problems rebuilding supercharger? - Boost Forum

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Problems rebuilding supercharger?
Tuesday, July 28, 2009 5:13 AM
Has anyone here ever had any problems with sending their supercharger in to be rebuilt? Or with the company/customer service/warranty? or the charger wearing out or breaking again?

I hear alot of guys like stiegemeier, and i have seen some nice stuff come back from them.

A little more pricey, but claim to "remanufacture" not just "rebuild" superchargers, and offering a lifetime warranty on all superchargers they rebuild.... is PSE Superchargers. They seem to be almost twice as much as steigermeier.. but they replace ALL wear items, not just those that look worn. So you know you are getting a 0 milage SC back from them, not just your old one with a few parts replaced.

I have heard stories of some shops (dont recall who or where) offering a "base" rebuild price, and then calling back once they have the SC listing all sorts of "extras" it needs, and jacking the price way up. Or even worse, claiming that the SC is non-rebuildable, and that it needs to be replaced, and claiming that they wont even send it back due to liability "if we send this back, and you put it on against our advice and it blows up and kills your engine we dont want you coming after us saying we owe you an engine". So they offer to instead keep it as a "core" and and credit you some worthless amount towards the purchase of a new/rebuilt unit from them.

Just think a rebuild is in my very near future.... and wanted to do my homework and see what is the best choice for having this done, and what sort of things i need to look out for.

Re: Problems rebuilding supercharger?
Tuesday, July 28, 2009 5:18 AM
Stiegemeier is great. Thats who I went with a couple years back.

Car is for Sale!Supercharger kit is for sale!
Re: Problems rebuilding supercharger?
Tuesday, July 28, 2009 5:27 AM
Bobby(Blown&Pullied) wrote:Stiegemeier is great. Thats who I went with a couple years back.

and how bad was your SC when you sent it in? What was wrong with it that made you send it in? how many miles did you have on it then?

and i assume everything was fixed and it works great still? How many mailes have you put on it since the rebuild?

did you have it ported too? and if so what kind of difference did you see from the porting? any more psi? any lower air temps?

Re: Problems rebuilding supercharger?
Tuesday, July 28, 2009 7:56 AM
Air temps are alot lower, my psi actually went down due to more air flow instead of restriction after the porting, There really wasn't anything wrong with it when i sent it in, it was leaking a little bit, but everythings great on it still. Prolly put 20k on it maybe. There was maybe 50k on it when i sent it in.

Car is for Sale!Supercharger kit is for sale!
Re: Problems rebuilding supercharger?
Tuesday, July 28, 2009 8:50 AM
Well I sent mine to Stiegemeier. I had a problem getting a straight answer at first on the total cost. The reason was that they had not done many of our superchargers so it was not common like the M62 which they have a well established price for. Our MP45 is kind of a bastard sc since it has the manifold cast with it. Once we agreed to a price they stuck to it instead of changing it. Other than that no issues.

There was nothing at all wrong with mine when I sent it in. Nothing wrong with it now. If yours is on the way out now would be a good time to just ditch it for the M62. No matter what you have done to the MP45 it will never flow anywhere even close to what the M62 does. You wont even get the same percentage gain from having the MP45 worked over as you will from the M62 because they cant port the outlet of the MP45 like they can on the M62. The looks gain was worth paying for and so was the inspection and replacement of the few parts that get replaced on any supercharger. The gain in performance on the MP45 is not worth paying for.


Re: Problems rebuilding supercharger?
Tuesday, July 28, 2009 1:26 PM
Ken dump the charger, and stay with the turbo and you will gain sooo mcuh more, and save money on a rebuild. Use that money for a nice intake manifold.

FU Tuning

Re: Problems rebuilding supercharger?
Tuesday, July 28, 2009 2:20 PM
John Higgins wrote:Ken dump the charger, and stay with the turbo and you will gain sooo mcuh more, and save money on a rebuild. Use that money for a nice intake manifold.
agree 110%

P&P Tuning
420.5whp / 359.8wtq

Re: Problems rebuilding supercharger?
Tuesday, July 28, 2009 3:13 PM
ImPhat0260/Cavattack2000 wrote:
John Higgins wrote:Ken dump the charger, and stay with the turbo and you will gain sooo mcuh more, and save money on a rebuild. Use that money for a nice intake manifold.
agree 110%

agreed 120%

2001 Olds Alero (LD9)
636 whp / 543 ft-lb
Re: Problems rebuilding supercharger?
Tuesday, July 28, 2009 4:08 PM
well thank you all for your opinions.... I will keep them all in mind....
(but it sounds to me like everyone is still saying the same things they said back before i started the project, and so far 90% of the opinions i was offered turned out false.)

but does anyone here actually want to answer the questions i asked?

Re: Problems rebuilding supercharger?
Tuesday, July 28, 2009 4:52 PM
ken soggs wrote:well thank you all for your opinions.... I will keep them all in mind....
(but it sounds to me like everyone is still saying the same things they said back before i started the project, and so far 90% of the opinions i was offered turned out false.)

but does anyone here actually want to answer the questions i asked?

Please explain how my opinions are false?? Please give examples. I do not think you can.

FU Tuning

Re: Problems rebuilding supercharger?
Tuesday, July 28, 2009 6:21 PM
i am not saying YOUR opinions in specific are false.... and i do not have the time nor do i care enough to go back and dig up whatever you might have said to me 2 years ago and debate your opinions.

in general i got 101 opinions about how twin-charging was a waste of time and money and would never work right, and could never perform as well as a turbo or supercharger alone.

Many said it was impossible, and would never work. many said the intake temps would be too high to be usable. many said the turbo would be choked by the supercharger.

So far i am pushing 20+ psi on 93octane, even with my worn SC bearings and a SC case almost too hot to touch, i am still getting IAT's in the 150's without meth in 80 degree weather. (which is roughly the same as i had when i was just supercharged just 3x more pressure)

my goal was to be able to run high teens on pump gas, and low 20's on race fuel, and still keep my IAT's and knock in a reasonable limit.

So far i have far surpased those goals, and have alot more wiggle room than i ever expected. to be honest, i fear blowing my head gasket from too much dynamic compression long before i fear running out of boost or IAT's or knock getting out of hand.

So far everyone who has seen it run, or ridden in it, or tried to race against it has been very impressed.

Everyone is entitled to their opinions. as you know opinions are like a$$holes, everybody has one... it doesnt mean everyone else wants to see or hear it.

If you can prove to me with hard facts that twin charging is far inferior to turbo charging alone... then i will be glad to listen, and maybe then i will change my own mind. But just because a few people on a forum said "turbo is better" doesnt mean i am going to run out and tear my supercharger off.

this has been debated over and over... i dont see any of you twincharging your cars to prove it was "better before" to prove your point. I did that, and i have the car to prove that twincharging works and works extremely well. and very soon i will have the time slips to back it up.

so if we could please not clutter up the thread with pointless debate...

as i said i respect all of your opinions, but i asked about getting a charger rebuilt, not "does everyone think i should take it off or not"

Re: Problems rebuilding supercharger?
Tuesday, July 28, 2009 7:04 PM
So you have yet to prove that single turbo is NOT better than twin charging. You are far from the first to do this, so we knew it could be done. The thing is the same power can be made without the charger on just a turbo, and the IAT's will be less. Talk to anyone who has turbo only. I bet there IAT's are way below 150 degree's.

FU Tuning

Re: Problems rebuilding supercharger?
Tuesday, July 28, 2009 7:11 PM
My IATs never go beyond 100. Almost always, even after some WOT runs at the track, they stay 70-90 through the run.

As always, we're waiting on timeslips. Until then, it's just hot air.

2001 Olds Alero (LD9)
636 whp / 543 ft-lb
Re: Problems rebuilding supercharger?
Tuesday, July 28, 2009 7:22 PM
ken soggs wrote:i am not saying YOUR opinions in specific are false.... and i do not have the time nor do i care enough to go back and dig up whatever you might have said to me 2 years ago and debate your opinions.

in general i got 101 opinions about how twin-charging was a waste of time and money and would never work right, and could never perform as well as a turbo or supercharger alone.

Many said it was impossible, and would never work. many said the intake temps would be too high to be usable. many said the turbo would be choked by the supercharger.

So far i am pushing 20+ psi on 93octane, even with my worn SC bearings and a SC case almost too hot to touch, i am still getting IAT's in the 150's without meth in 80 degree weather. (which is roughly the same as i had when i was just supercharged just 3x more pressure)

my goal was to be able to run high teens on pump gas, and low 20's on race fuel, and still keep my IAT's and knock in a reasonable limit.

So far i have far surpased those goals, and have alot more wiggle room than i ever expected. to be honest, i fear blowing my head gasket from too much dynamic compression long before i fear running out of boost or IAT's or knock getting out of hand.

So far everyone who has seen it run, or ridden in it, or tried to race against it has been very impressed.

Everyone is entitled to their opinions. as you know opinions are like a$$holes, everybody has one... it doesnt mean everyone else wants to see or hear it.

If you can prove to me with hard facts that twin charging is far inferior to turbo charging alone... then i will be glad to listen, and maybe then i will change my own mind. But just because a few people on a forum said "turbo is better" doesnt mean i am going to run out and tear my supercharger off.

this has been debated over and over... i dont see any of you twincharging your cars to prove it was "better before" to prove your point. I did that, and i have the car to prove that twincharging works and works extremely well. and very soon i will have the time slips to back it up.

so if we could please not clutter up the thread with pointless debate...

as i said i respect all of your opinions, but i asked about getting a charger rebuilt, not "does everyone think i should take it off or not"
Ok, here goes..... Keep in mind, I am going to say this in ONE thread, not in multiple threads, over and over like you post... First off, no knock is "reasonable".... Twin charging is stupid as you are not going to gain any more power than what you would with just the turbo. I am not going to try to convince you otherwise, because talking to you is like talking to a brick wall. We can all say what our "opinions" are but you already have your mind made up and no one can tell you anything otherwise.... Now to your "question"..... If you are not going to give any specifics to why you need the SC rebuilt (are you having issues?? Are noises present?? Are you just anal rententive and want to throw your money away? ) then just go and buy the oil off of ebay... It honestly sounds like you are just wanting somebody to hold your hand and tell you its ok to order it..... I'm not trying to be a di(k Ken, but some of the sh!t I read in your multiple threads cracks me up....

P&P Tuning
420.5whp / 359.8wtq

Re: Problems rebuilding supercharger?
Thursday, July 30, 2009 7:09 PM
It's like he comes around every few months, opens a few threads asking questions he already thinks he knows all the answers to...but wants to hear and refute the opinion of anyone who offers one. I grew tired of him long ago, I just don't bother anymore.

14.330 @ 96.37mph
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