having some troubles - Boost Forum

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having some troubles
Thursday, December 14, 2006 10:13 AM
I have an 01 cavvy z24, supercharged, 2.6 pulley, alky injection (m3 nozzle)........well ive had the injection on for about a month now.....and now one morning when i turned my car on i have got a high idle (idles at like 1500 and fluctuates between 1300-1500 back and forth at idle)

i also got a check engine light that says o2 sensor low activity bank 1 sensor 1

i thought it was the tps because of what ive herd with the tps's goin out when using alky injection but i pulled out the tps and saw no water or n e thing in it and or around it like sum1 said to check for.....so im not sure if that is the problem or not

i have a boost vac gauge and my vac is normal at idle and ive checked all my lines for cracks or leaks and nothing

Ive got an ac delco o2 sensor coming in the mail in the next couple days.....but i don't think that will do it cuz i don't think the o2 sensor effects idle but im not sure so im tryin wut i can

any help will be appreciated

Re: having some troubles
Thursday, December 14, 2006 11:22 AM
Dude I don't have any of that @!#$ my car is a stock z24 and it does exactly the same thing. maybe one of the techys can enlighten us both. totally off subject, is your last name really Ensor? If so we have something in common
Re: having some troubles
Thursday, December 14, 2006 11:46 AM
my car does this right now as well...... with the HPT scanner I'm seeing 1% TPS with the throttle closed. I need to adj. that to read 0% at rest, and see if that fixes it (only thing I can spot with the scanner thats off)

SPD RCR Z - '02 Z24 420whp
SLO GOAT - '04 GTO 305whp
W41 BOI - '78 Buick Opel Isuzu W41 Swap

Re: having some troubles
Thursday, December 14, 2006 12:22 PM
also when im drivin my autometer a/f gauge stays on rich whenever i hold in the gas.....noramally it goes back to lean then back to rich like its suposed to.....the only time it doesn't go back an forth is when im at like 3/4 throttle or in boost......so i figured it was my tps because its reading wrong throttle

if i hold the peddle in like a 1/4 of the way for a lil bit it will bog out like its gettin to much fuel.....i have the injectors that came with the kit so that shouldn't be the problem i figure it has to do with air
Re: having some troubles
Thursday, December 14, 2006 1:02 PM
Put it all back together with the tps installed and disconnect the battery for about 20 minutes. This will set the tps back to 0% and the problem should go away. As far as the a/f gauge that is completely normal. When you hit Power Enrichment it will show on the gauge as being rich. And when it is going back and forth it is showing the o2 sensor switching back and forth, this is also normal.

Re: having some troubles
Friday, December 15, 2006 9:20 AM
yea i did disconnect the battery for 20min.....i no longer have a cel and the first time i drove it.....it drove fine stayed at good idle and all.....then i boosted it.....was perfect......but then i turned off of the car and came out later and started it again and it has the high idle agian and it also is screwing up while drivin if i hold in the throttle in one place for awhile it like boggs out like its givin to much gas so i let off the gas and push it in again and its fine
Re: having some troubles
Friday, December 15, 2006 1:04 PM
try changing your idle air controller It may be sticking

Re: having some troubles
Wednesday, December 20, 2006 2:12 PM
could it be to large of an alcy injector and it could be shorting or blowing spark out???

horsepower is how hard you hit the wall, Torque is how far you push the wall with you
Re: having some troubles
Wednesday, December 20, 2006 2:46 PM
Jeff Ensor wrote:also when im drivin my autometer a/f gauge stays on rich whenever i hold in the gas.....noramally it goes back to lean then back to rich like its suposed to.....the only time it doesn't go back an forth is when im at like 3/4 throttle or in boost......so i figured it was my tps because its reading wrong throttle

if i hold the peddle in like a 1/4 of the way for a lil bit it will bog out like its gettin to much fuel.....i have the injectors that came with the kit so that shouldn't be the problem i figure it has to do with air

Thats exactly how the narrow band a/f gauges work. When it bounces back and forth you are in closed loop, when its pegged rich, you are in open loop (PE condition).

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Re: having some troubles
Wednesday, December 20, 2006 3:08 PM
yea thats wut it normally does but now its not doin that..............it is always on rich even if i just give it a lil bit of throttle......it use to not do that until i had like 3/4 throttle or boosting......and it boggs out alot because its gettin to much fuel......and i only have the m3 injector and a 65psi alky pump turned up.....

if the tps was bad wut would it be doin like wuts the biggest clue that the tps is bad

i replaced the idle air controller and did nothing and adjusted it and wut not tryin to bring down the idle but it wont do it
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