Does anyone know where I can go to get a new pulley for my alt so that it will spin quicker 20% or so. I purchased a high-output unit but at idle the car just doesnt RPM high enough. Im looking for links info or anything. Thanks in advance.
Doing that will greatly reduce the life of the alternator. I wouldnt recommend it.
"all your bass are belong to us"
The manufacture wants me to change my idle to 950rpm.... no thanks. As for the life of the alt I dont care just needs to be done.
Raise the idle RPM's and be done with it..
Why is that a problem for you?
"If life throws you a curve, pop the clutch and drift it!"
I guess its not an issue would it be good for the engine? I was told that the car would check engine on me if i did that. Also I couldnt find a tool to adjust the 5 pronged set screw for the life of me.
I'm not sure about the 5-sided tool.. But many many cars have a "high idle" when cold function.. And once the engine gets up to operating temperature it'll drop down to the normal rpm.. 950rpms is nothing, compared to the daily routine..
I saw a thread on about this 5 sided tool, but I don't know if he ever found it.. I'll ask a few buddies about it..
"If life throws you a curve, pop the clutch and drift it!"
see if you can find a torx to turn the screw, assuming it isn't a tight screw. Using a tool not quite suited only once won't hurt it as long as you don't put too much pressure on it.
Hell hath no fury like a pissed off balloon animal.
It is a tight screw - Tried to Torx it no luck really. Anyone else? Pully wise or a tool to adjust idle speed on a 99 cav 2.2
why don't you do something to shim the throttle plate slightly open. It's a bit of a hack, but it would work if you can't find a better way. It sounds to me like you're going for the band-aid approach on this. If the alternator manufacturer says you have to change your idle, tell them to screw the F#$% off. The car was meant to idle where it is, and changing the idle point just to make thier crappy alternator work is
band aid approach..... and you suggest he shim his throttle butterfly open?.... hmmm