I recently sold my two 12" Alpine Type R subs and my pdx 1.1000(cause of money issues). ive been thinking about getting new subs lately but im not sure what i should get. i dont know if i wanna get two 8" subs and drop them in a T-line box, or if i want to get a 10" in a T-line box or if i should just drop them in a normal box or what. I am also not sure what brand i want to get either, basically something that will sound good with the alpine type r line. i have type r 6x9's in the rear and alpine type r 6.5 components in the front with a pdx 4.100 powering them. the head unit is a pioneer deh-p400ub. i have all my wires ran for the subs and everything. I just need some suggestions on what hardware i should get and whats the better quality and such. i am in ontario so it will limit my brand options obviously. thx for the suggestions. also a paired amp with the subs you choose would be ideal aswell!
before I even read the rest of that paragraph, let me say don't do a t-line. they're a bitch to build properly, take up WAY too much space, for no good dd benefit at all.
On the other hand....you have other fingers.
"You really need to staple your face shut"-THE Joey Baggs.
i have a friend who has a program to punch everything into and it gives you the length of each piece to cut and does all the rediculous calculations for you
Ugh.... boxes like that have so much more to them than just punching numbers and cutting wood. I promise you will be happier with a normal ported box. a t-line is only good for boosting output on small drivers. they have horrible frequency response and take up a ton of space. But @!#$ it, you know more than I do apparently.
On the other hand....you have other fingers.
"You really need to staple your face shut"-THE Joey Baggs.
JLAudioCavalier wrote:Ugh.... boxes like that have so much more to them than just punching numbers and cutting wood. I promise you will be happier with a normal ported box. a t-line is only good for boosting output on small drivers. they have horrible frequency response and take up a ton of space. But @!#$ it, you know more than I do apparently.
Take a look at the new JL 8" W7. It's adorable and affordable
Pair it with a 500W amp of your choosing. Obviously JL 500/1 would be a good match, but any decent amp will do.
Budget is going to be key here man, anyone can recommend anything....
On the other hand....you have other fingers.
"You really need to staple your face shut"-THE Joey Baggs.
my budget will most likely be around 800 and i chose a t-line because a t-line for two 8's or a single 10 wont be NEAR as close in size as it would be for a 12 or a 15. but the options in brands that i can think of around here would be Alpine, JL Audio, Kicker, Pioneer, Kenwood, JBL, Sony (even though i wont use them) and i think i can get MTX aswell
If you must do a T-Line, definitely take a lot of time picking a sub because the SQ and response of the enclosure is determined by the Fs and other TS parameters of the sub. A poorly chosen sub can sound like ass.
But I understand wanting to do something different. Ive thought about doing a T-Line for awhile but one for a 15 probably wont fit in the trunk
Edited 1 time(s). Last edited Wednesday, August 18, 2010 6:18 PM
The whole T-line idea is suuuuuccchhhhh a waste. But no matter how much I say it, you don't sound like you'll listen.
On the other hand....you have other fingers.
"You really need to staple your face shut"-THE Joey Baggs.
I would just like one for an burp machine plain and simple.
Oh ya you gotta watch out from bottoming the sub out in a T-Line too.
Just go ported.
well ive had sealed and ported in my car, both have their pros and cons and i havent tried a t-line yet, and you only learn the best from doing it yourself do you not? but anyways, ive been reading on t-lines a lot lately an di know what it takes to make one properly, im just asking for ideas on a sub/amp combo, not advice on what kind of box to make, im not worried about taking up too much space in my trunk either cause i rarely ever use it
Basically my MAIN goal, is to have a clean sounding system but also have small hardware, thats why i wanna go with two 8's or a single 10.. i ALSO want to go with those sizes because i know they can go loud and i want to suprise the hell out of everyone who sits in the car and make it seem like i have a 12 or a 15 back there when its really just two 8's or a 10 or something along those lines. Thats mainly why i want to go with a t-line box because the hardware doesnt have to be extremely high end or have an outrageously high RMS on the subs to get as loud as say two 12" subs with an RMS of 500 on each of those. So Overall, im looking for a setup of something small yet powerful and very loud, i guess you could call it a sleeper in the audio world in a way... even though some of you may disagree with that but thats ok, im just trying to explain how i want this setup to be like. Any suggestions to how it should be setup are greatly appreciated. along with any ways to save money on doing this aswell would be nice.
Are you looking for a system that is going to be loud the entire way through the sub stage or what? Im sure I could get you loud as piss with a few 8s but it would be a burp machine. That wouldnt like anything but one frequency.
a burp machine would be awesome if there were actually comps around here for it lol... but its going to be in a daily driver so id like it to be loud all the way through
you want a smooth frequency response in a dd..... but you always want to build a transmission line.... you do know how impossibly hard that's going to be right? I say you end up building a ported box with a long port and call it a t-line. I don't think you fully understand how a t-line is going to work, and how impractical it is.
On the other hand....you have other fingers.
"You really need to staple your face shut"-THE Joey Baggs.
T-lines need A LOT of EQ work too.
That write-up is terribly confusing and is the main reason why I havent built one. Forevrbumpin knows his stuff but he is terrible at explaining it. Haha.