does anyone have any suggestions on a battery isolator? i run my system and a bunch of other stuff durring long shows, and even with the yellow top, i run out of juice. im putting in a 2nd battery, and i want to put in an isolator, so i know i will never have a problem firing the car up after running it that long
does anyone have any experience with them, and if so, any preference in make/size?
any help/info is appreciated
Ive seen/heard alot of people saying that isolators will drop your voltage ever so slightly. As for someone who makes one that will work well, im not sure, as ive never had experience.
Elemental Designs
Warehouse Manager
easy i run multiple batts and i dont use an isolator. if you are dead set on having one then id use a stinger one.
^^^how many batts do you run? are they deep cycle? how much power are you drawing?
im just wanting to make sure i have no issues starting the car after leaving it running all my extras for a day long event
thanks guys!
i have 4 group 34s and a group 34/78 yellow top. they are a deep cycle. lets see current draw for both amps at .5 ohm will be around 800 amps. lol. and throw in about 60 for the other one. so a good bit. i dont run mine with the car off for extended periods of time. even with a battery isolater you are gonna eventually toast that battery. when i have gone to shows i didnt demo it unless someone wanted to hear it. the only way you are gonna be able to have your car on all day long is a power cell plugged into an outlet. i dont think there are many batteries made that will take a moderate amount of current draw all day. (im assuming abuot 8 hrs. max.)
damn....800 amps lol.
i guess ill just get another deep cycle for the rear, and see how that works for now. may have to get a 2nd rear batt if need be.
thanks for that info!!
yeah its a little much. you should see the headlight dim with a stock alt in it heheheheheheeh
I build emergency vehicles for a living and what you need to do is get an isolator that is rated for the output of your altenator this will allow you torun your second battery down and still start the car.
You could always disconnect a battery