i woke up on a cold monday morning and my cavi would not start so i boosted it. that night on my way home it started a little slow but i thought it was going to be ok. next morning the same thing wouldnt start so i boosted it again. that night i went to canadian tire and bought the best battery i could find 700cca. things were fine till friday after a huge snow fall after work i could hear some grinding noise from the alternator. then it got worse today and when i came out of the mall the batt light was on so i drove it home in the dark without lights on.
the question is last winter and the winter before last there was a slight noise from the altornator but it went away. this time it sounds really bad and the light on saying it not charging any more.
do you think boosting the car the wrong way blew it. i hook it up direct and the neg before the positive and there were a couple of sparks then we got it right and off to work i went.
so any info will be greatly apprieciated thanks
i think the bearing are toast and maybe a brush broke off inside might get a rebuilt kit and do it myself
Try beating on the alternator with a hammer/ pry bar that usually lets it work for a day longer if really needed. Id just say alternator died of natural causes. You are supposed to hook the neg up to the chassis tho. not the battery.
1991 Honda CRX si mini me swapped
You've probably done what I did myself a while ago.... blew the rectifier board inside the alternator. Cost me $175 to get fixed (basically new... got it rebuilt).
If you jump start another car with yours running, it can do this very quickly.