I have/had a mut-like sound system in my car. Pioneer speakers, Kenwood KDC-419 head unit, US Acoustics 2channel amp and a Fusion encounter 15. Things were running pretty smoothe till i moved out of college (months ago). I made sure nothing sharp was up against the sub. I just kept clothes in the trunk and my mini fridge in the back seat. Well after i unloaded all my crap i noticed the sub wasn't working. one of my fuses were fried. I bought some replacement onces and put them in. A little spark popped up when i was sliding in the fuse. But I wasn't putting in wrong at all.
When all was said and done, the sub would power up then kick out when any type of beat would come through. I had it grounded to the spare tire bolt. Never gave me a problem before. I checked all my lines and everything was fine. Is my amp just plain fried?
I was just gonna buy a new one, till my car got broken into, my head unit stollen, fuzzbuster, burned CDs, and my dad's father's day car. After getting the hole in my door fixed i just never got around to it.
oh, i bought the amp and sub off of a friend. I don't know the stats on the amp, but i never changed the settings on it for the year i had it