I just bought a set of reverse indiglo gauges for my 95 cavalier. After wiring it all up, it will only work with the "on/off" switch panel.
My question is, is there anywhere to get around that? It'll be a PITA if I have to switch them on eveytime I turn my lights on. Any ideas?
If anyone has any insight to this problem please fill me in.
Thanks guys.
just wire the pos wire of the gauges to your headlight switch, so then when the headlights get power your gauges will too
Here is a diagram so you understand what I mean. It gets power no problem when I turn on the headlights. But in order for them to light up I have to hit the switch which sucks. Can I re-wire that switch somehow? Its 2 wires would it be pos/neg to the switch?
Anyways on to my craptacular drawing :
Hopefully some can help me. Someone else must have these gauges there are the ones off ebay.
Thanks again.
your drawing didn't show up... but if the switch is on and you get power when ur headlights are on, and then they don't have power when ur headlights are off... just cut the switch out of the loop... at least, if I am reading this right, that is what I would do...
exactly, use the headlight switch as the gauge switch, just splice the powers and ground it somewhere