Well I have replaced my alternator and put a new battery in and charged it up and put that in and my voltage does not go up at all when I rev the rpms to even 3000 so I am concerned what to do.....my voltage stays around 13 volts regardless of the rpm.....WITH everything off then if I just turn my headlights on it drops to like 12.6....I was hoping for some ideas how to test my wiring cuz I cant think of much, other than I put a new starter in a month ago and thats when this all started......once in a while I would not have much power and be slow to turn over when starting and finally it just all died this week, I am lost right now other than just going thru all the wiring which I really dont want to do.....any ideas???
Its all about the pain...The Jewelry and Ink are just souvinirs
Have you checked your grounds?
I assume you remembered the fusuble link between the alt and batt.
Is it a new stock Alt, or an upgraded alt?
Is the battery a new Stock battery, or an Upgraded battery?
Where are you checking your voltage?
At the battery?
Or from the cig lighter?
“Facts are meaningless. You could use facts to prove anything that’s even remotely true."
new stock alt.
battery is new upgraded (sort of) I think 780 CCA
I test at the battery and at my distribution block in the trunk
The fusible link?????
Its all about the pain...The Jewelry and Ink are just souvinirs
run a jumper wire from the alt to the battery, see if this somewhat fixes the problem if it does, u have wiring issues at the starter, voltage should flucate with rpm to at least 14.2 14.4 never 12.6
Its not how fast your car goes....its how much nerve the driver has to push it that fast.