Hey guys. I've been enlightened to RE subs form a freind. he recently upgraded to SE series, so i'm buying one of his old RE 10's. I am wanting a stealth install, so i my questions is twofold: First off: Could i get a 0.83ft^2 sealed enclosure outta the back left of my trunk if i used fiberglass? That wouldn't show up much, if at all, right? I'd have to relay my OEM carpeting, but thats fine. I'd like it to go back as much as possible, while hardly protruding into the actual trunk area. My second question: Anyone know of any good small amps with a lot of power but are small in terms of size? I know my RE is 270 watts RMS, but i really wanna push the bastard, so i currently have a 1200 watt amp runnin to it. However, i'm sure it will never see above 560 watts RMS. So, i'd like to keep the amp power in the 400~800 watts RMS bracket. I'd prefer a class D because of its superior heat dissipating qualities. Anyone have any amps they have expereince with and would reccomend. I'm not to "picky" when it comes to brand names, just no Lanzar or Pyle $hit. I'm lookin for expereince with an amp, i really don't want any name bashing here. (haha i know i just did, but we can disregard that) I already have the wiring kit for upwards of 1000 wats RMS, i know that not too much, but i'm on a *bit* of a budget here. Well hell i'll say it, it'll be awhile till i can get it, unless somebody needs a 1200 watt 2channel amp and they wanna trade? (plz don't move this to classifieds i'd rather have my question answered!) Any help is mucho appreciated. Love ya guys!