I have a Zex Dry Kit that im about to put in but i can't check my fuel pressure any other way on my 2.4 other than to buy a Adj fpr. Will any of these FPR's bolt up where the stock one sits. B&M, OBX, AEM
an FPR regulates how much fuel enters your motor.
It seems you are just looking for a guage that tells you how much pressure there is
Yeah I know that but i want to get adj fpr so i can raise the pressure. Because few of my friend told me if i wanna run a dry kit that i need to raise the fuel pressure. I was told 1-3 psi more than what the stock fuel pressure is.
the vaccuum line that you hooked up to your fpr will attempt to add more fuel while spraying. that is why you have to put a nitrous AND fuel jet into your NMU. BigRey had no problems with the dry until around an 85 shot. It got too lean at 85. What size shot did u plan on running?
Well I was going to start with 35HP jets and move up to 55. I wouldn't run more than 55 with a dry kit just because ive been hearing lot of s**t about dry kits. The only reason I got one is cuz I got it for cheap.
sorry for thread jackin but if you have a wet kit and an AFPR should you run on the low end of your recommended psi range?
15.2@89mph 2.171 60ft. 9.830 1/8 R.I.P. "LULU"