I have an 04 ecotec with all the bolt ons(installed or on the way) and was considering nitrous. I've learned alot about nitrous except how much my stock motor can handle. I will have things like a window switch but what else should i get? Also how much nitrous can I run without my timing being pulled back?
Is it still speeding if the speedometer dosen't work???
taught me a world of good
technically 0. However myself an many others have sprayed numerous amounts with a 75 shot (wet) and have no problems. My only complaint is that the stock clutch doesn't exactly love it

but that goes without saying
The "clicky" really didn't help alot since no one can agree on what plugs to use or even what is needed to retard the spark.
Thanks for the answer Fatalic cavi, I figuerd the clutch needed to go anyway.
Is it still speeding if the speedometer dosen't work???
75 wet is the consistent safe limit of the ecotecs (stated in the GM ecotec build manual) i have found the safe limit for the dry kit to be 55 shot.
ngk tr6 #4177 and autolite 103 plugs have proven to work well dispite the shorter length. some have found colder plugs that are the same length as stock from other cars. people make too big of a deal about the short length...
after all is said and done, i have to agree with fatalic CAVI. 0 is the only "safe" way to go.
MassEco20 wrote:The "clicky" really didn't help alot since no one can agree on what plugs to use or even what is needed to retard the spark.
Thanks for the answer Fatalic cavi, I figuerd the clutch needed to go anyway.
If the sticky didn't help then how much could we do? Thats only info we've built up over a 3-5yr period of doing this. Most of the mod list is just my personal recommendation from what I've gotten from building n2o fed v8's.
I would've hoped that the normal person would be able to search to see what exactly needed to be done to get an MSD unit to work on an ECO motor, or any motor at that. That's why the number one thing to do when doing ANYTHING big or small to your motor is to research...research....research.
N2O + Bolt-ons
= 220Hp/
Coming Soon:HpTunersPro, EagleConnectingRods, WiescoPistons, 13sec2200
Wow your a little late with the insults there. No one else has posted on this in days. I guess NORMAL people have better things to do than respond to old posts that already answered my questions. And BTW the clicky is useful execpt when it comes to the subject of plugs (which I found colder stock length plugs) Because everyone made a big deal about length.And it took some research (what i've been doing in the last week that no one but you has posted) to figure out what is needed to install the msd.
Is it still speeding if the speedometer dosen't work???
i don't think you want to do more than 75 but 50 is probably the safest
MassEco20 wrote:Wow your a little late with the insults there. No one else has posted on this in days. I guess NORMAL people have better things to do than respond to old posts that already answered my questions. And BTW the clicky is useful execpt when it comes to the subject of plugs (which I found colder stock length plugs) Because everyone made a big deal about length.And it took some research (what i've been doing in the last week that no one but you has posted) to figure out what is needed to install the msd.
If you considered my post an insult that's your problem, you should now find a way to get over it because bickering over the net isn't working. And when I get IMs and Emails every other day about the same stuff I'll do whatever I feel with bringing back older posts so others can see what not or what to do.
N2O + Bolt-ons
= 220Hp/
Coming Soon:HpTunersPro, EagleConnectingRods, WiescoPistons, 13sec2200
How have you been B-ball? I got my spare motor in and i am now tearing down the old block... spun #1 rod bearing. later
Juice pushrods wrote:How have you been B-ball? I got my spare motor in and i am now tearing down the old block... spun #1 rod bearing. later
That sucks bro! My car is still up in seattle so I've been lucky enough not to break anything on it. I want to break it down after those 5-6 runs on the 100shot.
I've pushed the car aside until it gets back here. Right now I'm working on getting a really high quality camera to start doing photoshoots and so on. I'm a photographer and graphic designer at heart haha!
You going to rebuild your motor or what?
N2O + Bolt-ons
= 220Hp/
Coming Soon:HpTunersPro, EagleConnectingRods, WiescoPistons, 13sec2200
yea thats the plan.
10.5 :1 forged pistons
eagle rods
johnson windage tray and sprapper full p&p head
cam regrind
fidanza flywheel
spec stage 2 or 3
roller rockers
and i'm going from single forgger to direct port under the manifold.
progressive controler
I decided to not go the two stage route after i actually took the time to calculate the cost to set everything up the way i wanted it.
I plan on getting a new car next fall or spring 07. more than likely will be an ls1 or an lt1 w/lt4 conversion. I havent decided yet. It's hard to find a decent 96 impalla w/o 1 high price tag, or 2 it looks like crap on the insde. oh well time will tell. keep us updated on the picture situation.....me and my buddies were just talking about putting a video together with all the clips we have gathered so far.. we jsut dont have the time to all get together and put so time into it.
I've seen a ECOTEC handle a 75 shot nicely with some pre-cautions. 100 shot he had issues with it.
www.kronosperformance.com / 732-742-8837
NJHK-- so how are you going to dive the sunfire when you chill under the hood spoolin' your turbo?
Sorry I had too. I like the new sig.
honestly like has been said as long as you do the research and know what you're getting into and correctly setup the motor to handle what you want to put at it (i.e. timing and fuel) then nitrous is just as safe as any other mod you will do to your motor

The one, the only, ME.
Juice pushrods wrote:NJHK-- so how are you going to dive the sunfire when you chill under the hood spoolin' your turbo?
Sorry I had too. I like the new sig.
Glad you like it
I'm gonna hook a hose to my ass and it will connect to the turbo so it will be "gas powered" lol
www.kronosperformance.com / 732-742-8837
NJHK (That Black Guy) wrote:Juice pushrods wrote:NJHK-- so how are you going to dive the sunfire when you chill under the hood spoolin' your turbo?
Sorry I had too. I like the new sig.
Glad you like it 
I'm gonna hook a hose to my ass and it will connect to the turbo so it will be "gas powered" lol
Hmmm....sounds very efficient.....lmfao
Silver Streak wrote:Lmfao love the sig
www.kronosperformance.com / 732-742-8837
I'm gonna hook a hose to my ass and it will connect to the turbo so it will be "gas powered" lol
as high as gas up north i dont freakin blame ya.