If you guys would be SO kind as to give this car a little paint, and possibly a drop...ok definatly a drop, I mean, its on stumps for christ sake, i would lurve you 4 evar nd evar. Thanks.
I'd like to see it in possibly a dark purple or in black with a white top
Thanks again.
.......who should feel lucky?.....And why?
i feel lucky because i can afford a jack and stands
Not my car guys...yet.
Me and my dad are going to be picking it up on saturday.
The stump thing wasn't my idea.
And you should feel lucky that you can do this for me thank you so much.
Adam Asmus AKA Smus...unique I know wrote:
And you should feel lucky that you can do this for me thank you so much.
Has anybody ever called you a jackass before?
there ya go, no stump, dropped, and a quick color upgrade
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