it looks good. i think the lil "shine marks" are distracting, especially the one off the bumper. and i think the hood needs a lil bit more detail but other then that it looks good. you should try tooning the rims too.
wheels are too real for me..and where the hood meets the windshield - looks a bit crooked
well geez i coulda done that(with the wheels and windows).. nice to see u didnt modify the body, that is my exact toon.. u just added the wheels and blacked the window.. give me credit for the work atleast. If you are going to be in gauge with that i would like to get some credit cuz i did most the work.... I'll email u the non watermarked bigger version when i get the $ and then u can modify it.. I realized teh wheels werent teh best but that was cuz they were chrome.. i didnt realize u just wanted teh wheels done like that..
I mean u removed my watermark, change a few things, keep the original toon, and give me no credit? i mean i understand that u paid me(waiting on the Money Order anyway), i wouldnt have a problem if u gave me some credit..
Here is the ORIGINAL toon done by me
and here it is done in black like u asked..
overall i think the toons look good...for my 2nd toon with my new style and 1st time attempting to color..
i have to agree the flares are distracting from the toon tho..
dont remove watermarks with out consulting the person who put it there......
they obviously did it for a reason....
come on now?! THINK!

Adobe Photoshop - Adobe Image Ready
kinda @!#$ty not to give the guy credit. Toon looks pretty good otherwise.
OK I understand you paid for it, but you have no right to jack someones @!#$ that they made and say its your own. Give him the credit he needs, put his watermark back. Thats really f'd up!
Entrapped Fury (aka Spence) wrote:not cool.,
* edit to remove image * JZ
Manta Z wrote:I mean u removed my watermark, change a few things, keep the original toon, and give me no credit? i mean i understand that u paid me(waiting on the Money Order anyway), i wouldnt have a problem if u gave me some credit..
Here is the ORIGINAL toon done by me

and here it is done in black like u asked..

overall i think the toons look good...for my 2nd toon with my new style and 1st time attempting to color..
i have to agree the flares are distracting from the toon tho..
you best back your @!#$in train up bud i DID NOT remove any water marks and i AM NOT taking credit all i did was ask how it looked I had NO idea who done the original toon when it got it it had NO water marks and i was asked to retoon it he told me what he wanted done to it and i did it but as i said I DID NOT remove any water marks and I DIDN'T know who made that toon ......
look at the heading, Look at my original message NEVER once did i say I done it... I asked how it looked....
If you want to bitch, bitch at Jason he is the one that sent me the unwatermarked version

Alright man, i see. cuz i tooned his car for him.. and i emailed him a watermark pic of the finished and then he tells me he needs the non-watermarked by tuesday cuz the car will be in gauge mag..and that the toon would be in there and he'll put a lil segment about me.. He then says ,when i tell him i cant give him the unwatermarked till i get the $, that he removed my watermark and a friend(which i guess is you) retoon it..Well if u look at the 2 u did not retoon it at all.. u just changed teh wheels and window and added background..
Hey man, i used some of my photo shop skills and removed the watermark and i had a friend retoon it for me because the wheels didn't look good at all and he re don the windows and alot of other stuff too you will still get your money but i wont mention you in the mag your toons need to be ALOT better then that before you go water marking them and refuse to help someone.... later
So that really kinda pissed me off then to see it posted on jbo and me no credit pissed me off more.. Now u should be able to understand where im coming from.. Also i see the pic in ur sig and its the exact car i tooned so i pretty much assumed it was u.. I dunno how close u are with jason or w/e but thats pretty much what im coming from.. we can talk more on AIM about if u want but until i get the $ i wasnt going to give him the unwatermarked, when i get the $ he will have a unwatermarked and bigger size toon in his email..
But see if u can see my point of view.. in the situation reversed im sure u would be pretty pissed off too.. We can talk about it on AIM and straighten it out...
Manta Z wrote:So that really kinda pissed me off then to see it posted on jbo and me no credit pissed me off more.. Now u should be able to understand where im coming from.. Also i see the pic in ur sig and its the exact car i tooned so i pretty much assumed it was u.. I dunno how close u are with jason or w/e but thats pretty much what im coming from.. we can talk more on AIM about if u want but until i get the $ i wasnt going to give him the unwatermarked, when i get the $ he will have a unwatermarked and bigger size toon in his email..
But see if u can see my point of view.. in the situation reversed im sure u would be pretty pissed off too.. We can talk about it on AIM and straighten it out...
Man i see it from your point of view And im not trying to jack your @!#$ and i didn't try to discredit you i was just simply playing with the toon and i wanted to see what idea's people could give me to do to the toon to make it better NOT FOR HIM but for me.... i already sent Jason his version but that was before i knew all this...
And as far as me not giving you credit in all honesty how could i give you credit if i didn't know you was the one that did the toon
the pic in my sig is off of the website just because that is the type of kit i have for my car but it isn't on yet because i just got out of the hospital not too long ago i messed my leg up pretty good but that is besides the point....
When i posted the toon on here it wasn't done all the way i have done alot more to it as far as retooning it....
and as far as me being his friend i don't know him he emailed me asking if i could help and with me not being able to get out and do much i figured it would be interesting Here is what he told me
Hey man I have seen some of your work on the org and I have to say it looks sweet as hell. I was wondering if you would help me I made a toon and I can't get the wheels and stuff to look good so I was wondering if you could play with it for me like black out the windows and deform the wheelsstuff like that. I don't care if you just use the real pic rims and just deform them its just anything could be better then what I did just do whatever you can to get it looking good. thanks man. later
That is why i thought he is the one that done the toon... not anyone else
i haven't stopped playing with the toon it is giving me something to do not to go stir crazy i wasn't trying to start a battle at all...

WOW! I'm glad I turned down his offer in my email to do it for free for "recognition in a magazine". BTW, if you are looking for "WAY Better quality" you better plan on spending alot more money than what was paid. I know that my toons take over 15 hours to do and even if you were to pay me minimum wage (Which is about $15/hr less than what I get paid for graphic design) you would be paying $75. YOU GET WHAT YOU PAY FOR. Graphic design is not cheap buddy. Manta owns all rights to that image until he turns over the rights to someone else in written form. I wouldnt plan on publishing that in your buddy's magazine or your ass is going to be payin...ALOT MORE than you planned on paying...
And BTW you sound like a DAMN HILLBILLY redneck F$%&.
Slytly TwizTeD wrote:
you best back your @!#$in train up bud
Slytly TwizTeD wrote:
all i did was ask how it looked I had NO idea who done the original toon
I think you just may have gon done smoked yerself ratarded. Either that or you didnt pass 3rd grade english.
z2fst4u wrote:And BTW you sound like a DAMN HILLBILLY redneck F$%&.
Slytly TwizTeD wrote:
you best back your @!#$in train up bud
Slytly TwizTeD wrote:
all i did was ask how it looked I had NO idea who done the original toon
I think you just may have gon done smoked yerself ratarded. Either that or you didnt pass 3rd grade english.
Wow your mature aren't you??? are your petty insults supposed to bother me or give me something to laugh at ??? And I'm going to ask a loaded question here but WTF is your problem with me anyways??? I don't know you i have never talked to you and could care less about you.... you will find out I'm not one of the people on here that is going to kiss your ass because of what you have or what you can do... So maybe you should read the whole post before blowing off your handle
As stated i have nothing against Manta z ... i found out this whole thing when i posted something i thought i was giving a helping hand on, I had no idea it would blow up like this or that the toon was even manta's... as i stated a few times it wasn't all my fault i was told i was talking to the creator of the toon there for i never thought twice about doing it for fun, no I'm not the best at it but it was done for fun not to steal anyones thunder or belittle anyone or discredit anyone or anything else it was done for fun to give me something to do...
i was never once told anything about this mag @!#$ what i am seeing on this thread is the first i have seen anything that has to do with that... So that part is all you guys i don't know nothing about it
Heather - anghellic wrote:so who is this Jason character so we all know not to attempt to do anything for him?
I don't know who the guy is all i know is his name is Jason Samm and that showed up in his email and he emailed me from 3 different accounts
that is all i know about the dude i haven't even seen or talked to him on here that is all i know

I did read the WHOLE POST. My first post wasnt directed to you, it was directed to the "Jason" person.
Manta Z wrote:Also i see the pic in ur sig and its the exact car i tooned so i pretty much assumed it was u..
That's because it is him, and he's obviously trying to lie and say Jason is someone else to cover to his ass
From slytly's registry
18" Series 182 Eagle Alloys
Buddy Club 2 Body Kit
Extractor Hood

same exact rims as the toon. So you're tellin me theres 2 J's with the same exact kit rocking them rims? in primer
And if I remember right slytly is a J that used to be the plum color.
liquid vybes yahoo profile (who he claims is the "bad jason")
Nickname: ,,``,,``Liquid Vybe``,,``,, Location: South West Indiana Age: 25 Last Update: 05/09/2003 (so that would make him 27 now correct)
slytly twiztids yahoo profile
Nickname: §|¥t|¥ Tw¡zT¡Ð Location: Søµth-Wëstërñ Ïñdìâñâ Age: 27 Last Update: 03/28/2005
2 J's same area, same kit, same rims, same primer, same age and you don't know him at all? How don't you know yourself?
Go ho yourself out somemore
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z2fst4u wrote:I did read the WHOLE POST. My first post wasnt directed to you, it was directed to the "Jason" person.
I got that it was the second post i was going against
Heather - anghellic - wow you must think your on top of it huh ??? your right i used to have those rims damn i'm condimed now and they was on a Lumina they was never on my cavalier they was a differen't bolt pattern i posted them on my mods because i hadn't sold them yet and your wrong about my car it isn't in full primer and i do have the BC2 kit and the hood and neither are on the car right now as a matter of fact since you know so much about me you should know the car isn't all the way in primer yet and you should also know it doesn't have front or back bumpers on it trust me i would love to have my car as far along as you are giving me credit for and if you want proof of what my car looks like your more then welcome to come to my house and see or i can take pics for you to prove it more... and since you are so hell bent on saying i am this guy why would i go to the point of emailing back and forth with myself ??? but now after looking at your post i wish i would have looked at his profile because i had no idea he was from my area and if you would like to know all my profiles are in ASCII i don't nor have i ever made one without it.... so know wtf your talking about before outright accusing me....
Oh and here is a pic of my old car not that it matters...

ok so you're basically saying EVERY picture ever posted with your cav not in primer the rims were photoshopped on?

And every picture you had never had a kit on it.
and as for you "emailing back and forth with this guy" it's the internet say what you want
I just emailed back and forth with hiim too * rolls eyes *
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«§|¥t|¥ Tw¡zT¡Ð»... i do not want u playing around with my toon anymore.. sorry, bottom line.. if u want toons to play with start ur own, its not hard, there are tutorials on it.. Now if i get this $ for the toons.. i will email mr samm his toon without watermark..but with my name on it still... I dont know if u and jason are teh same, if u 2 are friends, i dont care.. its more principle.. he is claiming to own a toon i did.. spent plenty of hours on.. and he erases everything.. now if my name was still on it i wouldnt have as much of a problem honestly.. the fact he removed everything,and my name on it pisses me off.. Bottom line i just want the $ and i will drop this whole thing.. Like Nick(z2fst4u) stated..i do not what my toon or any retoon version of my toon published without my consent and credit! Today i sent my payment in for my subscription to Gauge Magazine.. got a full year.. i do not want to see my toon in it unless mr samm gives me my credit.. I will also be waiting for my money order.. he said it was mailed on sunday/monday.. so it should be here friday the latest..
Also why did u change ur sig man? it was teh same exact pic mr samm sent me to toon.. now its different..
Now i don't know what is really going on but if there is something going on and u decide u just want to end this.. add me to ur yahoo.. my name on there is wiggurz
anything u say i wont repeat and will just stay between us.. if u made a mistake this is ur time to striaghten it out.. if its not u just tell me but i am giving u this chance just in case because things are seeming to be shady.. sorry thats how it is..