So I swapped my blown eco out in my 02 cavie for a eco out of a 03cavie. I swapped it fuel rail and all so I got the updated rail and injectors. Now the issue lies im getting a p0172 code for first bank to rich. Also when cold the engine stumbles when coming to the light as the rpms drop to low.
Ive been told that the injector constant is different for the 02-03 years and obviously the rails are different.
What have people done with this rail swap to make it code free? I really dont want to run the 02 style rail.
Can I swap out the engine computer for a 03 computer. Does options, ect ect?
Yes the constant is different. Also some of the ve inputs are a smidge different. And if you really want to keep the newer rail and injectors you will either need to swap computers or change the constant with hptuners. Or you can take the new rail off and injectors and cups and install your 02 stuff that's what I did when my 02 motor went.
SLO CAV (the autoxing one) wrote:Yes the constant is different. Also some of the ve inputs are a smidge different. And if you really want to keep the newer rail and injectors you will either need to swap computers or change the constant with hptuners. Or you can take the new rail off and injectors and cups and install your 02 stuff that's what I did when my 02 motor went.
Yah I was hoping to keep the 03 rail since I find the 02 rail rather ugly lol. I have a few 03 computers so ill swap one of those over. Does options matter? Like what options the car it came from had and what mine has?
As long as it had the same trans no it shouldn't.
Bump.... Tried the new computer but the car wouldn't run.
Is there a relearn for this sort of situation/car?
Yup to need to do the vats relearn procedure. Look it up.
1994 Saturn SL2 Home Coming Edition: backup car
2002 Chevy Cavalier LS Sport Coupe: In a Junk Yard
1995 Mazda Miata R-package Class=STR
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Body control module info has to match pcm info. so leafy was right on the money. Have fun
30 Minute Learn Procedure TOOLS REQUIRED None
Turn ON the ignition, with the engine OFF.
Attempt to start the engine, then release the key to ON. The vehicle will not start.
Observe the SECURITY telltale, after approximately 10 minutes the telltale will turn OFF.
Turn OFF the ignition, and wait 5 seconds .
Repeat steps 1 through 4 two more times for a total of 3 cycles/30 minutes . The vehicle is now ready to relearn the Passlock(TM) Sensor Data Code and/or passwords on the next ignition switch transition from OFF to CRANK.
Start the engine. The vehicle has now learned the Passlock(TM) Sensor Data Code and/or password. IMPORTANT: The vehicle learns the Passlock(TM) Sensor Data Code and/or password on the next ignition switch transition from OFF to CRANK. You must turn the ignition OFF before attempting to start the vehicle.
With a scan tool, clear any DTCs if needed. History DTCs will self clear after 100 ignition cycles.
Remember... One test is worth a thousand expert opinions.
Sorry forgot, This will NOT work if there are anycodes in any system.
Remember... One test is worth a thousand expert opinions.
J-body cars don't have VATS. They have Passlock.
And Josh has the right procedure (as also listed in the Library FAQ)... but I've found it definitely does work with codes set. I had lots of them

and it still worked.
Yah I had found that but wasnt sure it was the right procedure....damn its going to be a boring time lol...
Quick question here...
I just did the relearn or so i thought but it started and it runs seemingly fine when i went to start it the second time.....
Am I suposed to turn it off and keep on doing it or what?
Once you turn the key back to off, after the third cycle (on 00-05 cars, for anyone else reading this later... 95-99 is different)... the Passlock R-code (fuel password) is learned... so when you start it, you're just making sure it runs. That's it, that's all.
I should clarify.... I didn't complete the re-learn.
I did the cycle once and it started on the second time and has been running fine since.
So do I have to do the next 2 cycles?
If it's running fine and you don't have a Security Telltale staying on your dash.. no. You're good. Consider yourself lucky!