Ok so i got a harness out of a 2005 cavie 4dr to put in my coupe. There is a couple defferences but thats fine. My question is: The rear door pins how would i get rid of them so they are not used..ie..keep them seperate or together? So it thinks the door is closed...thanks..phil
copy what the switch does. I believe it just connects the two wires together. I dont have a diagram handy, but I would assume that is all that is needed.
Doesnt that all run through the BCM anyway so if you have a 2 door bcm then it would make no difference what you do with the rears.
Can I ask what you need a harness for?
01 cav w/01 3400 gam gt 4t45e
Leave 'em disconnected. Door pins are open circuit with the door closed.. so by leaving it disconnected, it'll always be open circuit.
I went out and checked one of mine, disconnected like lenko said, My bad.
Still if your using a 2 door bcm it shouldnt make any diff, the pins for the rear doors should be open in the plug for the bcm.
01 cav w/01 3400 gam gt 4t45e
Ok thanks guys..the harness is for a eco swap..