Hi guys.
I think this is a pretty stupid question but, seeing i don't know the answer so its always best to ask. I posted a topic earlier in the year asking whats the most cost efficient shock to use on my sunfire and we rounded it off to a set of tokico HP blue series shocks. So about 6 weeks ago. I with some help, determind this and got some pricing, and well all together for the front and rear it was going to cost 520 Dollars+ tax from a local shop. Now that i have the money i went back to the place i originally got the quote from to order the shocks and the company says they don't list the "Tokico HP Blue" shocks. However they do list a set of Tokico Premium performance shocks. I did some research and some say yes that is the same thing as a HP Blue shock, and then some say no its different. Anyone have a clue if the "Premium Performance" shocks are HP Blues or are they different?
I know some people are going to jump on this saying, " the HP blue is a OEM replacement, it wont take a lowering spring". Ive already had this conversation, and with the help of a forum member, An email was sent to tokico with a response saying the hp blue series will take a 1.75" drop no problem at all and last. So thats all sorted out. I don't mean to be rude in anyway, im just saving a future argument.(I hope).
Thanks in advance!
Tokico makes the blue shocks called HP's they can handle a drop, but you cant adjust their damper settings between harder or softer. Their other struts/shocks are called D specs, they are black in color, and have a hex nut on the very top of the shaft that you turn to adjust their settings.
Just look at the color of their strut, and it should say on the side if its blue, they are HP, if its black they are D specs. both are good. just HP are unadjustable.
Spend the extra few dollars and get D-Specs. Its well worth the price, I have them and love them.
the dspecs are the better choice.
trust me, the adjustability is definitely something you'll love.
D-SPECs all the way, been running em in two cars now and love em

ASE Master Certified Automotive Technician
thanks for all the comments.
The Hp Blue are $521 with taxes, and the d-specs are 875+ taxes in my area. Its almost double the price. I really don't know if i need that extra little bit. I wouldn't even know how to go about adjusting a shock. We'll see what next month brings.
WHAT?! dood hop on ebay. dspecs go for around $550 there.
whoever told you those prices is high on glue, you can get them BOTH from turbo tech racing, a plus performance, and never enough auto im pretty sure as well. WAY cheaper than what those fools are trying to rape you out of.