question on using different master cylinder - Suspension and Brake Forum

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question on using different master cylinder
Saturday, September 13, 2008 9:53 AM
I went to the junk yard and got a master cylinder off a late model Grand Am that I put on my 95 cav. I'm looking for a dist. block that is 2 in, 4 out or 1 in, 2 out. I don't know if there is another car application that I can use for this as this would be the cheapest way to go or just use aftermarket. Also this is for a dirt track race car, not for the street, so it wont need to work "perfect" I'm talking bias. I just wanted to get rid of the ABS. This master cylinder is substantially larger than the cavalier stock one, dont know it will work better or just hold more fluid? Also I plan on installing stock front rotors and calibers on the rear. Thank you for any info.

Re: question on using different master cylinder
Saturday, September 13, 2008 2:41 PM
Joshua Dearman wrote:PJ, the fitting size was either 5/16 or 7/16...I dont remember which right now. I snagged one of those non-ABS blocks from a yard bird...very nice unit. They dont have any checks in them its just as simple as it looks. Basically just a dual channel 1-to-2 port adapter. I tested by running water threw it.....runs both ways just perfectly fine.

Found this in the post right below this, it sounds like what I'm looking for. A "yard Bird" is that a sun bird w/ non abs or just some junk yard car you pulled this from?
Re: question on using different master cylinder
Tuesday, September 16, 2008 5:12 PM
The cheapest way to do what you want to do is to use a simple 3/8 IF tee (actually two of them). Then you just need an adapter from whatever the threads are on the factory lines to the tee, and an adapter for the MC side of the short piece of line you use between the tee and the MC. Maybe $30 in parts, if that.

That MC will work nicely with your plans. Its a 1". I would recommend some sort of proportioning valve though.

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