I got 2 brakes bleeding and the others are not pushing fluid.
. any ideas? I got the right rear and front left pushing fluid. The left rear and front right are not. I got plenty of fluid in the master cylinder and the lines are not crimped I ran the lines down front to back looking for this. any ideas would be cool.
BTW the line have been gravity bleeding for a week so the lines would not foam up, and the lines were empty for about 9 months. brakes were off all 4 corners. (line corrosion?)
I been through this before. The valves on the master cylinder might of shut so u might have too find someone with a tech 2 computer too hook up too ur car too home out the master cylinder and then it should bleed like, "it was her first time" hope that does it for you.
A tech 2 computer? WFT is that? I dont know anyone with one.
well its looking bad for me, with the tech 2. dealer i dont want to go..........
You might have a blockage in/problem with the master cylinder itself. It's designed in a cross-feed system where the LF and RR lines are activated by one circuit of the master and the RF and LR are on the other. This prevents full loss of either front or rear braking if either of the circuits in the master cylinder fail. What they're referring to about the Tech 2 is the automated bleed procedure, which cycles the ABS solenoids for each wheel, in case you've replaced the EBCM or have somehow bled the ABS module dry.
14.330 @ 96.37mph
Just to clarify this for anyone searching later- Its not the MC. Its the ABS module giving you problems.
well I was stood corrected with the whole thing. My brother in-law popped the lines off of the master and had me pump the brakes to see if it was shooting fluid. only one of the four lines shot fluid. there for I had air in the master, so much air that it would not bleed correctly. No tech 2 was required for the job. Thanks for the help guys. OH and james I got the stock drums on the car, I tossed the Neon swap seeing that Its just a cavalier. Neon parts are still up for grabs.
so how did you get the air out?
? There are only two lines from the master to the ABS module... then there's four lines off the ABS module to the brakes. Which lines did you remove?