Anyone with experience in these be able to tell me if I could work out a way to make the turbo guage work on my V6 Guage?
The look identical except there is a boost guage on the RPM guage section.
In the future boost is the plan. Let me know!
Custom is the only way!
not sure how, but if u need a turbo cluster, i have one
is there a way to recalibrate the turbo guage with the to suite the engine being used?
Are you talking specifically about the boost gauge, or the entire cluster?
The boost gauge will work with a 3 bar MAP sensor but you'll need to alter the face to reflect the greater boost level and to correctly indicate vacuum conditions. Speedo and tachometer can be adjusted for different engines and vehicles if you have a way to generate a signal of a known frequency. Temp and oil pressure gauges are paired with sending units, so move the sending units to the new vehicle. The fuel gauge has a range of resistance it expects to see and most older GM vehicles use the same resistance range in the tank sender.
The turbo gauge just reflects the 0-5 V signal generated by the MAP sensor. You could connect it to a 1 BAR non turbo car map sensor and it would happily show 15psi boost every time you floor the throttle. Now working it into a new cluster is probably a "no" since the boost gauge is part of a larger set of gauges.