
Yeah... The paint job was done by hand... it sucks sooooo bad... but it is only a concept design I wanted to try out so I could see if I would like it. Turns out, I really do, although some modification will be made to the back so the paint meshes in with the sides.

custom switch panel:
I dremmeled(sp?) out 3 holes to fit in these light-up swtiches. Function
in order from left to right:
1) Radiator Fan (fan sens went out, too lazy to fix properly hah)
2) ExRemote Control Fog\Driving Lights (hotwired RC box to be allways on)
3) Front & Rear Neons (suffered a loss of one of the side neons so didnt bother putting on side neons yet.

switch panel wiring:
My handy wiring skills at its best... (later I will be going all relay but for now so I can use the acessories I have on my car, I wired it up like a christmas tree.)

engine block:
Angel needs some SERIOUS cleaning. One day soon, a nice steam bath 3 times in a row will be her birthday present.

gear shifter knob:
With this knob I can't turn off the car all the way. Good thing the 1st position after lock is the one that unlocks the steering wheel and gearshifter.

roommates truck window tint
I can't wait until I get this tint on all my windows... its 2% and that would be perfect with my paint scheme.
1987 Chevy Cavalier Stationwagon RS
That wiring job is a disaster waitin to happen. The switches arent striaght and that engine could use a serious bath
Check your local laws on tint before you install it or else it might turn into an expensive mistake if you have to have it removed.
U could at least used conduit to run those loose wires in to make it look a little more hideable.Oh we hope u can bring this car around in a proper J appearance and oh the paint scheme.Do it up right and take the time to not take shortcuts,in the long run it will save u dearly.Best of luck on the wagon dude.
Yeah, the wiring job is shoddy and the paint job is not professional... the switches are crooked yes...
As i said, this is just some testing being done. My main project, when finished, it will look brand new. Or at least... restored.
Anywho... Here in the next week or so, I'll be visiting the paint man

gonna get a professional paintjob done.
A few weeks after that, I will be getting a new muffler and pipes.
A few weeks after that, I will probably be looking at some decent priced 14" to 15" low profile tires & rims.
Between all that, serious cleaning and restoration of the interior will be done.
For starts, the engine is going in for tune-up and double bath.
Aside from it being not professionaly done, do you guys think that the idea behind it is ok? i mean, what you do think of the design and work done when you imagine it professionaly done?
1987 Chevy Cavalier Stationwagon RS
Hey, its your car. Do what you'd like to it!
But I would stick with a solid color and snake the wires through a flexible black conduit or tubing. That's about it.
Good luck with the project. Don't see too many wagons on here anymore.
-Daryl Scott
<A HREF="http://www.geocities.com/doctorsvt/cav.html">*86 Cavalier RS convertible
<A HREF="http://www.geocities.com/doctorsvt/scx.html">*92 Olds Achieva SCX- SOLD...sort of.
<A HREF="http://www.geocities.com/doctorsvt/cobra.html">*98 Mustang SVT Cobra #503</A>
<A HREF="http://www.geocities.com/doctorsvt/sarahcav.html">*01 Cavalier LS Sedan</A>
<A HREF="http://www.geocities.com/doctorsvt/cav.html"><img src="http://www.j-body.org/registry/monkeyspunk79/thumbnail_suncav.JPG"></A> <A HREF="http://www.geocities.com/doctorsvt/scx.html"><img src="http://img365.imageshack.us/img365/4789/riversvt1me.jpg"> </A> <A HREF="http://www.geocities.com/doctorsvt/cobra.html">
<A HREF="http://www.geocities.com/doctorsvt">Top Down, Tank Full, Pockets Empty
I want your convertible!!! lol... In case I royaly screw up my wagon, I'll at least have a Chevy Cavi to get me back and forth to wherever I go heh. Plus I really like the convertible and quite frnakly, I love the Cavalier Series of 82-87 Chevy's... I don't liek the Sedans though... But the Wagons and Convertibles are awsome heh.
1987 Chevy Cavalier Stationwagon RS