So I did the wheel bearing on my 84 Bird this weekend. This was an original bearing that would groan at a low speed roll. I basically popped out, I did not even need to use the puller I rented.
I replaced it. 180 ft/lbs seems like a lot for the axle bolt. My 1/2 torque wrench only does 150 ft/lbs
Anyways, the dust shield behind it was almost rusted away and appears to have been rubbing agains the brake rotor at times. I am wondering it that was part of my sound issue.
Road tested and all is well. This was actually easier than I expected.
Well regardless you updated a worn part just due to age.I bought me a puller kit from carquest for like 109.00 or so when I do my axles on mine.I plan on replacing my rear wheel bearings(NOTE) these are sold as a whole unit mount with bearing.I am saving some cash bc auto zone sells them for 98.00 EACH(ouch!!!!).I have new drums,new shoes(had already) plus spring kit.My rear end is all new aside from the above and considering doing my e brake cables when I do my rear brake upgrade.And my books say 185 lbs on the nut,so I figured u could have just wrenched it by hand a touch more to achieve a closer value.I would not worry,it least u torqued it.