I'm just looking around for a front bumper for my 98 Sunfire. Just wanted to see if anyone around the area wanted to get rid of one. I'm also still lookin for a 00-02 Stock rear off a sunfire.
I have the old rksport front for sale. My roommate ordered the streetfire and got sent the wrong one. I believe he said $300 for the bumpoer it's brand new with the grills just waiting to go, and personally I moved and dont have the room for it.
If you remember it's the older style fiberglass one that you could have the optional cunards with.
LE61T PTE6262 Powered
That bumper ^ eeeewwww..... Worst bumper ever
the one I have has no cunards so it looks really good
LE61T PTE6262 Powered
alright ill think about it
Anyone else, come on ppl i know u guys have some bumpers layin around. I'll even take it if its cracked, broken, whatever
Hell even throw up a Cavi front if you guys have one
^^are you high or something? thats the worst front next to the millenium and the blitz
rk front < streetfire
i'll trade somebody my urethane streetfire front for a fiberglass drift front
ehh thats what makes a car custom we all have our own taste on front bumpers?? if everyone only liked one dont that wouldnt be a good thing.. woudl it? I personally love my blitz front... if we all bought the rk front then itd be the same thing on every sunfire unless its stock? not tryign to start anythign but we all have our own opitons man
yours looks different though, i'm talkin like most of the blitz fronts you see on ebay and stuff, they all look hideous. and no offense, but i thought thats how yours was gonna look but you went with a very nice paint color (i'm a big fan of red) and that car is @!#$in sexy.
but i'll never change my mind about the millenium kit......yuck
lol thanx man... i cant wait to see your car either.. what have u been up to? havent chatted to you in awhile.
Zacks been up to hittin deer, smashin bumpers, and then selling them off lol.
yeah ryan's right, i got to see a polyurethane bumper shatter to pieces after i hit bambi jr., the damn thing might as well of been made of porceline.
lol tell me about it. I duct taped the parts i had together and... wow might as well hit a brick wall with fiberglass. Hell i've seen fiberglass hold up more then that thing