well i built a web site for some one and they screwed me over and they quit paying for the monthly fees i was thinking of making a JBOP j body of Pittsburgh. it will only cost me $5 to switch the url. any ideas?
this is what the URL is it won't be up for 24 hours www.jbodyofpennsylvania.com right now it has that other site i built
The J-Body of Pittsburgh thing was tried a while ago. It ended up splitting into New Dawn Customs and Abstract Car Club I believe.
We're too spread out to really get a "club" going. A website, however, might not be a bad idea since the only other one we have is Pittspeed and they are kind of unaccepting of the J-Body platform.
red04cavy wrote:The J-Body of Pittsburgh thing was tried a while ago. It ended up splitting into New Dawn Customs and Abstract Car Club I believe.
We're too spread out to really get a "club" going. A website, however, might not be a bad idea since the only other one we have is Pittspeed and they are kind of unaccepting of the J-Body platform.
Yeah I have to agree with you there. So far I found a few people around Central PA but there's still at least 1 hour between everybody it seems. There are soooo many Cavs and Sunfires in the town I live in. Too bad none of them are on the org.
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it would be cool but will never happen