Anyone know A thornton / Michael Warner - North East Region Forum

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Anyone know A thornton / Michael Warner
Tuesday, August 29, 2006 7:15 AM
This guy owe me a header (160$). I want it.

:ca: PROUD TO BE :ca:

Re: Anyone know A thornton / Michael Warner
Tuesday, August 29, 2006 7:31 AM
could you be a little more descriptive on what happened?

Re: Anyone know A thornton / Michael Warner
Tuesday, August 29, 2006 9:59 AM
I sent him a money order to buy his ecotec header that he was selling. Never got any answer then.

i know he did cash it, got the proof from post office, but it's been 4 weeks now with no answer!

:ca: PROUD TO BE :ca:

Re: Anyone know A thornton / Michael Warner
Tuesday, August 29, 2006 10:17 AM
i seen that listed in the classifieds, and i even emailed him about it but was def weary because i'm pretty sure he just joined up. The pics looked fine to me and were the eco header, but i dind't have the balls to go through with it, just had that feeling so luckily i just got one with an intake off someone else. Good luck tho!

Re: Anyone know A thornton / Michael Warner
Tuesday, August 29, 2006 12:53 PM
Went thru something very similar this past weekend, except it involved air ride. the guy would not email or call, but he received the payment thru PayPal. He claimed it had been shipped, then he said it wasn't ,his car was broke and couldn't get it to a shipping center, then he stopped responding. I tried to locate someone I could pay to pick up the item locally and ship it to me since his car was suppossedly messed up, but no luck the org pulled my post. Anyways, what worked for us was contacting the area police department. They went to his house within 25 minutes. W e had a refund pending the next day. GOOD LUCK, HOPE ALL GOES WELL.
Re: Anyone know A thornton / Michael Warner
Tuesday, August 29, 2006 4:28 PM
This su.... r is living in Temple Hill Maryland.

I could pay to get my things or money back.

:ca: PROUD TO BE :ca:

Re: Anyone know A thornton / Michael Warner
Tuesday, August 29, 2006 7:57 PM
i smell a man hunt

Re: Anyone know A thornton / Michael Warner
Tuesday, August 29, 2006 10:23 PM
Ecotec Breed wrote:This su.... r is living in Temple Hill Maryland.

I could pay to get my things or money back.
This is exactly the kind of statement that got the previous thread similar to this one locked. This kind of offer is not welcome or tolerated in these forums, period.
boospinkleer wrote:Anyways, what worked for us was contacting the area police department. They went to his house within 25 minutes. W e had a refund pending the next day.
It's amazing how quickly and easily things work out when you go through the proper channels.
Brenden Griswold wrote:i smell a man hunt
And I smell a locked post. If anyone has information as to A Thornton's whereabouts or contact information they can feel free to contact the original poster directly.

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This thread is locked.
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