ok upon getting the details of the show we were going to have at club diablo in buffalo, NY, we may be reconsidering it. we found out that the show that were driving 12 hours out of our way for them to put us on at 1am after over a month of us understanding that we were going on at 11pm and pay us a whopping 75 dolars, and as rotten and pissy as i may sound, we just cant afford that. so for all of you who may have gone, ill keep this post updated but dont count on us coming out, cuz calculating about 500$ or so for 5 people to drive out there and eat and drive back, 75 bucks and no sleep just doesnt work itself out.
On the other hand....you have other fingers.

i had lots of toys when i was young.slinky,etc.but once i found my penis,that was all she wrote
that club is pretty cool though. sorry here they are cheap.

check out my cardomain

yeah i was actualy looking forward to checking the place out and check out buffalo in general, IF we can squeeze 100 bucks outa them and get shows on the way there and back to pay for gas and food, and were possibly doing a show to raise money for the trip, then its still possible, were going over the possibilities, and we just got hooked up with a new promoter and we gotta check them out and see how theyre gunna benefit us or if its someone we gotta get away from. but anyway im ranting about my band that none of you care about lol. but anyhow... ill keep this post updated if anyone in the area cares, or anyone between maine and buffalo.,.. cuz like i said.. looking to set up shows along the way there
On the other hand....you have other fingers.

i had lots of toys when i was young.slinky,etc.but once i found my penis,that was all she wrote