Maybe Im getting old...whats the big hype about this new XBox?????
It was on the Front page of the SUN.
Say it with me, "Its not what you know...It's what you can prove"
Uhh, it's a new console. It's the same with every console launch.
its just a game console why go through all this to get one ?? i honestly dont get it
Bragging rights and Madden...always
Remember....syringes go in the RED waste basket.
Remember Cabbage Patch dolls?
Semper Fi SAINT. May you rest in peace.
I see your Bennies and raise you a Tickle me ELMO!!
Semper Fi SAINT. May you rest in peace.
I see your Tickle Me Elmo and your Beanie Babies and raise you an Atari
Say it with me, "Its not what you know...It's what you can prove"
Stupid people Suck Jimmy...........LOL
I did my 20 hours in line............ #9 at the Laurel, MD Best Buy.... I sold it SAME DAY on ebay for $1200...............
smart cat right there!^^^^^