I had said something about this a while back, thought Id bring it up again. Im looking for a place to keep my dads 78 T-Bird. A storage locker, or some place inside under 50/month.
does it run well and will the keys be kept at the garage????
haha, yeah, i've got the perfect place for it
It hardly runs anymore. And I dont think we would leave the keys with anyone. Really though...
well if i knew of one big enough for this huge car...
there were 3 by my old house that had huge ones, big enough to put a car in
i know acouple places in rothsville....cant you just tarp it?
Its in the garage.. Taking up room. This car is like double the size of our cars.
my poin tis doews it need to be in the garage...cars are designed to be exposed to the snow....just cover it and winterize it...then sit it in your backyard or on your street or something...save some money
yeah but my dad wants it in a building or something... we should just sell the damn thing..
When my dad had to stay at the hospital a long time, we found a cheap storage unit that held his '67 Lemans. You might just want to see what it would cost to get a general storage unit. I want to say my dad's car was either 17' or 18' too, also a large car.
Have you checked your local paper? I can't help but think there has to be something listed in York if this is what i'm finding where i live. Here's what i found, but i'm in Lancaster:
• FOR RENT: Lititz: garage
for rent, $65.00 month plus
security deposit. Call 1-
• MOUNT JOY: 1 car garage , 19x11 w/automatic door opener. Dry storage only, $60.00 per month. Call 367-5155 ask for Clay.
• PRANGLEY AVE. - One car garage - storage only - no repairs & no combustibles. $55.00. 1 yr. lease. Hershey Real Estate Services, Inc., 393-9704
Not sure if these are big enough, but...
• Motorcycle/Boat storage, garage s 9x18 secure rent now for Winter. 951-8449
• COLUMBIA: Private garage , 11x16, stone floor, electric. $45/mo. 471-9017
I also found an ad from a local rental agency, you might want to call those in your area to see if they have anything for you.
Or if all else fails, i can talk to my dad about where he stores his truck. He keeps it in a barn that's used only to store cars, it's on private property at a guy's house and kept locked, all people with cars there get keys. It's located in Lititz, so i figure you want something closer to you.