The time has come to part ways with boost.
My saab setup is now for sale. It will be off the car shortly. I have tried to include pictures of everything. I will add more detailed pictures as the parts are taken off the car. There is no fuel/tuning included with the setup. I am keeping my reflashed pcm/tmap/injectors.
The car is currently running 10psi. Turbo does not smoke. Turbo has somewhere in the 30k mile range.
What’s included:
Saab turbo b207L Garrett Low pressure turbo
Turbo Manifold
Brandoson Downpipe, lightly modded
Blox vacuum block
2” charge pipes, routed to clear the auto trans, everything run underneath
CX Racing Intercooler, 28x7x2.5
t-bolt clamps
Stock saab tb piece
Stock saab oil feed
Turbo XS boost controller
You will need your own oil return
Also included
3” exhaust with magnaflow cat, moroso resonator, thrush turbo muffler.
You get everything listed for $1100 or best reasonable offer
Again, reflashed pcm/tmap/injectors/oil return are not included and will not be sold
I will not ship this stuff; you need to come pick it up. I’m willing to drive an hour or so to meet up. I’m located just east of Pittsburgh, zip is 15239. Two days a week, I am out in Indiana, PA at IUP for Grad school. I’m only out there in the morning though. If you’re out that way, I could bring everything along. Post here or PM me with questions and I will do my best to answer them quickly and accurately.
andy's a great guy to deal with!
good luck with the sale!
strat81 wrote:andy's a great guy to deal with!
good luck with the sale!
I 2nd that statement. GLWS man!
thanks guys. most of the stock parts i ordered should be here next week, so the turbo kit will be off the car and ready to go by next weekend.
Saab oil feed
Air filter for turbo
$700 shipped, within the US. No shipping to Canada, Sorry.
Whenever I get the exhaust off the car, I'll let it go for $250 picked up. Consists of 3" pipe, magnaflow cat, moroso resonator, thrush turbo muffler, stock lss tip
Charge pipes and intercooler are gone
Package deal here $525 This needs to go
Saab oil feed
Air filter for turbo
TurboXS manual Boost controller
3" exhaust-magnflow cat, moroso resonator, thrush turbo muffler
I might have a mopar bov I can toss in too, if I can find it
You get all that for $525 picked up here. zip is 15239
Posted it to a kid on youtube looking to turbo his cav.
Andy im leaning twards turbo again.
ill let you know what happens..
waiting on moneys
Built&Boosted moar
04 Cavalier Turbo r.i.p my baby
2nd place 2009 GM tuner bash qwick 8--holla
if anything id like to get that
Built&Boosted moar
04 Cavalier Turbo r.i.p my baby
2nd place 2009 GM tuner bash qwick 8--holla
On the inside my car looks like a fighter jet.
December sale
Pick up only, get this stuff out of here. I’m tired of looking at this stuff.
Brand new Wings West W-type front lip $150 firm
Rksport 2000-2002 rear lip, faded silver. $125 firm
3” Exhaust Magnaflow cat, moroso resonator, thrush turbo muffler $200
Turbo Parts $300
Turbo Saab b207L
Saab oil feed
Air filter for turbo
Id still take that brandonson pipe if your price was better.
i just changed my name wrote:Id still take that brandonson pipe if your price was better.
Price was better? are you high? he is GIVING AWAY a turbo kit at $300...... Man up and pay for it or move on.
BuiltNBoosted wrote:i just changed my name wrote:Id still take that brandonson pipe if your price was better.
Price was better? are you high? he is GIVING AWAY a turbo kit at $300...... Man up and pay for it or move on.
Already have a running turbo just want a different downpipe, cuz mine was thrown together quickly and sloppy. He quoted me 180 plus shipping for the dp alone. Which is a tad high. Im aware whoever buys the whole setup is getting a steal. I payed over 300 for my high pressure saab turbo.
You think $180 plus shipping is high? go to an exhaust shop and have them quote you one and you wont think its so high...