The last we knew you still had it after trying to get us to believe that you sold it. So im going to guess that it is still in your driveway or in a junkyard.
its an old concept. time for something new to take the reigns. - Z yaaaa
Last I heard, some hillbilly who proposed to his girl in a mall food court had it.
oh wait.
This thread sucks.
No one gives a @!#$ about what happened to that rust bucket.
Sorry, I have to ask... Did I miss something here. Also... not here in TN, lol
That and he also left JBO in a fit after attempting to make us believe that he sold the cav and picked up a "newish" cavy truck that we all knew that he couldnt afford. Later on we did get confirmation that we were right.
its an old concept. time for something new to take the reigns. - Z yaaaa
Hi scott vtec yo!!!!!
z28guy(KGM BEOTCH)
Furious 2.2 (Now With 2.3) wrote:just curious if anyone has seen my old cav lately. last known places it would be to my knowledge would be Delaware or Maryland.
So we can assume you now live in Delaware or Maryland? Cause we all know nobody actually bought that pile of rust from you. Reminds me, if you have a few minutes, can you walk out behind your trailer, pull those stolen HIDs out of that pile of tetanus that was once a car, and send them back?
Look out, VTEC just kicked in yooooooooooo!
Just putting this out there, but why do you care about a car you "sold"? By the looks of it, it probably met the crusher, that is, if it still isnt sitting in your backyard. Just by those pics alone I could tell you it wouldn''t be worth putting the time and money into it to make it decent. Cavalier Coupes like that are a dime a dozen, so why would anyone buy such a rusted out fixer upper for a project? Even if you wanted a DD beater, that car is probably the ugliest thing I've seen on 4 wheels. Looks like every possible short cut was taken.
Not gonna say my Cav is award worthy, but have some respect for your car, guy. That car is like beating a dead horse, then pissing on the corpse, beating it some more, then hacking it up with a dull hacksaw while talking about how great of a horse she was. I've seen better rattle can paint jobs in Little Mexico. I'll be disappearing into the shadows after this post, but the fact that you have been known to burn people, some being people I know, and your reputation is shady at best, I had to throw in my two cents.
it sold back in august of last year around this time and im just curious if it did go to the junk yard or if the guy who bought it has it still. he came from maryland and said that his gf lives in DE so i figured it was in one of those 2 states somewhere. and sam vtec hasnt kicked in yet haha.
Still got that interfooler on suckin in all this rain lolz
z28guy(KGM BEOTCH)
my CAI is on and its covered well enough. waiting on the motor to come back from the shop and waiting on all the gaskets for it. i just mocked up the front mount to see how fitment would be cause when the new engine is here i have a lot of "spare parts" im throwing on haha. i do miss my cav though. reliable and got great gas millage. same cant be said about my civic or my prelude unfortunately
on a side note i like this niffty ignore feature now haha
lmao so does that mean you " ignored" everyone in the thread
z28guy(KGM BEOTCH)
Haha. "Spare parts" my ass.
More like "I skipped on buying diapers so I can get this sweet ebay turbo".
this is some funny isht , yo !
im sure that thing is done and scrapped by now
ShowOff Customz
03 Cavalier
73 Beetle
68 Fairlane 500
if he sold it in reading it would be the only car they took off blocks and put tires on so they could push it to another neighborhood
It's living in a van down by the river last I heard.
I think they are your old wheels
z28guy(KGM BEOTCH)