I'm dying to polish again, I need to pass the time... I'll do valve covers, well anything aluminum... I am good at it... I have a few out there
Kris Brickman and Smoosh have one...
Or I will even buy extra valve covers off of you, turn around time is about 1 week to 2 weeks
LE61T PTE6262 Powered
Heh, when smoosh puts on his polished cover, he's giving me his old one. When i get it, If your still looking to do 'um then I'll send it out to you.
What do you want to do it?
can you do ho manifolds and idi covers to, i gave jeff my spares, but im sure he would be willing to send them out. maybe give you one if you do one or something...
I am thinking like $70 for a VC sunfire
Mike - yeah I would love to try my hand at an IDI cover and HO manifold
LE61T PTE6262 Powered
how much we looking at for a valve cover? mine came out alright but i might entertain a mirror finish lol
PHIL !!!
What do you think you would charge for a side cover or 2 of an old jap motorcycle??
Not very big, usually fairly smooth, no deep ruts or crevices... Generall speaking- maybe 7-8" tall by 12-15" wide..
Figure it out sucka !!!
IDk man, probly not to expensive, the easier to sand the easier to polish, I sand by hand. I'd have to see a pic
LE61T PTE6262 Powered
If you end up doing a 2.4 IDI cover, I would love to see some pics. I would deff be interested in letting you do this.
i have a knob... would you be willing to polish that??
i'll have to look around to see if i have anything in need of a good polish!
i have idi covers if you wanna buy
I have a 2.4 IDI cover i could let you try and polish. Its just sitting around taking up dust now. And if it turns out good i will be your first 2.4 polished cover customer

Might be heading up to allentown this saturday. If you want i can bring it with me and drop it off?
I actually already polished most of the covers on my bike.. Just got lazy and left it at half decently shiny... I prob will just finish those myself.
My brother just picked up an old 75 kz400, his are pretty much raw aluminum, all crapola looking !!
Here us what they look like..
I'll have to see if hes interested...
I'm pretty sure there was an ad on craigslist with a title like this....though that had nothing at all to do with car parts...odd.
But how about a price for an eco fuel rail? I just have to tap new line fittings (hopefully this week or next), then id like it polished.
I still want to see a fully polished block/head...i just don't want to pay or do the work lol
ok... an auto trans case, manual trans case, rear sway bar, front sway bar, aluminum knuckles/control arms, HO intake manifold (3), W41 idi cover, HO idi cover, 2.4 idi cover (12), ohh.. can you polish my subframe?
I feel like taking a tinkle on an ecNOtec...
wow wtf zyaaa LMAO...
pm me if you're at all serious and the some of those are steel not aluminum.
matt - like 25 or so
LE61T PTE6262 Powered
well, i won't do it anytime soon, but i might like my eco block and head polished...
i got a idi cover sittin here that luis got at the yard
ShowOff Customz
03 Cavalier
73 Beetle
68 Fairlane 500
i'd be interested in having my ho manifold and id cover polished depending on how much its costs
Well i just dropped my IDI cover off to get polished, I will post pics of how it turns out. Thanks phil! I might have you polish my Z wheels. IDK yet
How much to polish my vavle cover an cruise control bracket? o an my meatcake
z28guy(KGM BEOTCH)