I need a few things to finish my project before it goes into paint and they are : rest of kit - sides and rear, would prefer type j or drift, rear bumper doesn't matter just as long as it goes with the sides and cold air intake, doesnt need to be any kind of brand name just anything for a 2200, and maybe some diamond plate floor mats. PM me with pics/prices or find me on AIM - boredashell5807
I take it from your profile you're in Tonawanda?
nope he lives near rochester, NY
Yup about 50 miles south of Rochester in Nunda. Probably about the same from buffalo but i dont head that way very often.
I was just curious, I did'nt realize Nunda was an actual name of a town. I used to travel to Tonawanda about twice a year to do service work at the Sunoco terminal there.
And custom... I have a Drift rear that needs a little work that I'm selling cheap, but you're like 4 hours from me.
I have both front and rear type J bumpers in NEW condition. I'm in Syracuse, NY
$250 per bumper.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edited Wednesday, April 08, 2009 8:03 AM
does your itake mani point up or to the front i hve a aem intake for the one that point up its like new.
Not a clue lol, its a 98 with a 2200 if that helps at all. How much are you looking to get out of it?
Okay I guess now Im looking for any sideskirts and rear bumper (just not one that sticks out far enough to sit on). So what do you have?
i still have the sides and that wings west rear.........
How well do they match up, like bottom lines and doesn't the type j sideskirts flare out a little in the back? Think they would match up with a bomex front too?
i doubt the type js will match up with the WWs rear. they do flare out in the rear alittle. dont know about the front matchin up either.
Got a photoshop done and looks like the front matches up really good but I dont know about the rear
I also have a set of Import fighter side skirts.... I have someone who wants them, but I have no idea whats going on with him at this point...
Rear bumper and side skirts $350, Also I am probably closer than everyone else too so it would save you some gas... lol. I'm really just trying to get rid of this @!#$...
Edited 1 time(s). Last edited Thursday, April 09, 2009 11:11 AM
Well I might have found type j sides, so whats the best price you can give me on that rear bumper?
$180 with you picking it up is the lowest I can go for a bumper that is basically brand new. That is about $200 less than what they go for new.
Edited 2 time(s). Last edited Friday, April 10, 2009 7:54 AM
I could probably do that, just gotta wait until I get my taxes back which should be in a week or so