hey, i'll be moving to indianapolis next fall. im goin down soon to look at apartments. i dont know the area very well at all. i wondered if anyone could give me an idea of what apartment complex's are in nice areas and what streets they are on? thanks
1/4 mile 15.97
Though I don't know your situation, anything on the north or northwest side would be ideal. I prefer nicer areas though, heh.
actually i found a place on...i think its the south side. by Greenwood i think it is. off of southport road. it seems really nice. all the ones i saw seemed to be about the same price. give or take 30 bucks. im workin by vermont st. and my wife will be workin close and goin to IUPUI . i will be down there next July-August! cant wait!
1/4 mile 15.97