O yea.. i also have a dual hood for sale... its paint white.. got pictures if you would like it
Um.... wtf is a dual hood?
its a dual nostrel hood or whatever
would u be interested in a trade ....i got what looks exactly like the rksport ss hood but its an extreme demsions hood . believe sypder 2 ..if interested email me
If still available, I would like a picture. Thank you Mike
can you send me a picture also if you still have it? maybe i would trade the rims for it if your interested. my e-mail is Stewart18@aol.com
never fast enough.
sorry it took me so long guys i was at a car show out of town..
It is the Class Glass Carbon Fiber Extractor 2 hood.
no its not... its mine dual off my car
Oh that one. LOL
hold on I'll PM you