Y do cops have to harrass us young drivers...? - Mid East Region Forum

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Y do cops have to harrass us young drivers...?
Friday, June 30, 2006 9:20 PM
Im not sure where this post belongs but i figured i would post it here...

Anyway I was just geting home from work around 8:15 and pulling into the trailer park (yes i live in a trailor park) and there was a cop sitting on the other side of the drive. As i was passing by him he honked his horn at me and waved me to come over to him... So figures i pull up behind him and he gets out of his car and sais "You have a nice car and all, but i just want to see something" and then he starts harrasing me about my headlights. He was telling me that i had blue headlights and they were lit up blue... When they wasn't even turned on?? WTF is up with that. And i said they lit up white, and i turned them on. And of course like i said it was a bright white. But He kept on telling me no they wasn't, just because the bulb itself had a blue haze to it... And he said the blubs MUST be amber. I then asked, why does it say in the automotive law book that. They can be white as long as they dont light up BLUE or RED...? Then he sais "well in the book things contradict eachother, but they must be AMBER" And he said "i suggest you go get some!!" Or if i see you again ill give you a ticket, and its a 2 point ticket??? Then he said have a nice day and i left...

I have never had a problem for 3yrs till this moron was having a bad day... There should be something we can do about them singling us out and harrasing us...

Sorry i just had to let it all out...

2004 Turbo cavalier 11PSI and blown!

Re: Y do cops have to harrass us young drivers...?
Friday, June 30, 2006 10:06 PM
There is something you can do about it. It's called court. If they really want to give you the damn ticket, all you gotta do is fight it. Just keep winning if the cop shows in court. After enough wasted trips i'm sure the lowly officer will just give up.

Re: Y do cops have to harrass us young drivers...?
Saturday, July 01, 2006 4:32 AM
Sorry, but other than in Canada for Draknights, I can't say I have ever been harrassed...

Performance cars do not win car shows and show cars do not win races.
It's up to you to decide which you'd rather win.

Re: Y do cops have to harrass us young drivers...?
Saturday, July 01, 2006 5:43 AM
He really said the headlights should be amber? I'm gonna go swap my turn signal bulbs out for my headlight bulbs right now. If this idiot thinks that amber is the correct color for headlights, he has bigger issues than you mentioned. Even HID's are white!

Gotta keep on livin', L-I-V-I-N
Re: Y do cops have to harrass us young drivers...?
Saturday, July 01, 2006 7:14 AM
Oooopppps my bad. I meant to say, he said my turn singnal lights should be amber... But like i said i have never had any problems until now... I think this guy was having a bad day...

2004 Turbo cavalier 11PSI and blown!
Re: Y do cops have to harrass us young drivers...?
Saturday, July 01, 2006 7:28 AM
WOW this guy really is an idiot, turn signal bulbs have no signifigance of color this guy was just trying to be an arse, Must have been his first week

Yes it is a cavalier deal with it
Re: Y do cops have to harrass us young drivers...?
Saturday, July 01, 2006 7:33 AM
Michigan Vehicle Code Section: 257.689 wrote:(a) Front clearance lamps and those marker lamps and reflectors mounted on the front or on the side near the front of a vehicle shall display or reflect an amber color.




Re: Y do cops have to harrass us young drivers...?
Saturday, July 01, 2006 7:37 AM
Thank you for that porkchop sandwiches... I have been looking for that on the internet... That clears that up.

2004 Turbo cavalier 11PSI and blown!
Re: Y do cops have to harrass us young drivers...?
Saturday, July 01, 2006 7:40 AM
laws vary from state to state but every cop that i know i asked about in wisconsin that lights for the front of the the car have to be white or amber.... and rear lights have to be red and yellow with reverse being white. I know several people that have white turn signals which i did too but cops for the county like to harass people about it so i just changed them... I know cause i used to have neons on my car ( BLUE) and i got pulled over cause i forgot to switch them off. The officer told me that they wouldnt be illegal if they were white amber or red as long as they dont project onto the road like headlights and distract others.

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Re: Y do cops have to harrass us young drivers...?
Saturday, July 01, 2006 10:27 AM
Zspeed: I was told the same thing about my turn singnals from my buddy who is a cop... He told me as long as they were white or amber they were fine, just as long as they wasn't lit blue. And like i said, i never had a problem in 2.5 yrs with them. The cop that harrassed me must have been upset about something and had to take it out on someone...

2004 Turbo cavalier 11PSI and blown!
Re: Y do cops have to harrass us young drivers...?
Saturday, July 01, 2006 10:39 AM
In my old 2nd gen i was harrased ALOT!

KY State law stats you can't have a exhuast louder than factory.... (unless its a bike). HOWEVER the only place that seems to inforce it is, Erlanger cops. Ironicly where I live. So it was usually play hide and seak with cops, or keep way off the accelerator. lol. Still to this day, I have to play that game So far im winning, lol.

I've been harrassed for the following things by my cities cops:

*Exhuast (never a ticket, but pulled over many times)
*during a exhuast pull over, I was searched because it looked like "something a drug dealer would drive". Lets keep in mind, I had a 90 Cavalier VL, flat black, bmw3series headlights, and some seriously chipped and flaked chrome rims. lol.
*white turn signals.... Mine too, were "blue" because the officer was color blind. lol.
*doing 3mph over the speed limit. That damn cop had being tring to give me a ticket for 2 years. We've had our confrintations. lol. Needless to say, i paid my ticket (180 bucks=gayness) and went to traffic school. The cop, no longer works in the area. He was fired due to profiling. HAHA! Go figure.

My taste in lighting has changed. Where I used to like the white bulbs in the corners, Amber bulbs just are so much better.


Re: Y do cops have to harrass us young drivers...?
Saturday, July 01, 2006 10:39 AM
MetallicCavy (EcoEnvy) wrote:Zspeed: I was told the same thing about my turn singnals from my buddy who is a cop... He told me as long as they were white or amber they were fine, just as long as they wasn't lit blue. And like i said, i never had a problem in 2.5 yrs with them. The cop that harrassed me must have been upset about something and had to take it out on someone...

Out of curiosity, how is it 'harassing' when you are clearly breaking the law and a police officer informs you of it?


Re: Y do cops have to harrass us young drivers...?
Saturday, July 01, 2006 11:34 AM
PorkChop: By harrasing, i mean the way he was talking to me and asking me about my car... I mean i just pull in my trailor park and he honks and has me come over? And where he was sitting he couldn't even see my turn singnals on... Oakland county cops like to harrase many young drivers around here. And they do alot of profiling...

2004 Turbo cavalier 11PSI and blown!
Re: Y do cops have to harrass us young drivers...?
Saturday, July 01, 2006 2:38 PM
You think you are harrassed?? I got a 135 dollar ticket Friday, while my car was parked next to my store. For not having a front license plate, when I only recieved one to begin with from the DMV. Hows that for BS Hicktown good ole' boy BS. Of course our town is currently invaded by hundreds of illegal immigrants being contracted to repair all the rental properties while the students are gone, but the City nor the Cops will do nothing about it because the rich @!#$s who own the properties and undercutting working Americans are bankrolling the City. Im so F#E#$@ing sick of this 5hit!!!!!


Re: Y do cops have to harrass us young drivers...?
Saturday, July 01, 2006 10:40 PM
Erik, our illegals ran to Ohio, since Florence had a crack down on over 100 illegals. lol. Sadly, I was friends with the guy that was hiring all them. I had no idea he was doing it either. lol. It was something we all joked about, but never expected it to be true. So now his sitting in Boone County Jail. While is 2 really bad ass 10sec and 9sec Supra's are sitting unattended Really brings a tear to my eyes....

However, he gets what he deserves.


Re: Y do cops have to harrass us young drivers...?
Sunday, July 02, 2006 7:30 AM
cops get harrased by kids because kids are generally the most likely to give the cops attitude. ive always shown police respect and ive only had 1 cop in probably 20x being pulled over be an ass, and the one that was an ass to me i was still respectful to him. when that episode was done i went directly to the police station and reported him. for the most part allot of how the cop treats you is related to how your treat the cop.

and black eco. i would have fought that ticket, as long as the cop did not see you driving it. it wouldn't hold up in court. that would be an easy case to win.

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Re: Y do cops have to harrass us young drivers...?
Sunday, July 02, 2006 7:39 AM
sndsgood: This cop that harrased me, i respected him the whole time he was talking to me. But i should of got his name and badge number and went down to the police station and reported him...

2004 Turbo cavalier 11PSI and blown!
Re: Y do cops have to harrass us young drivers...?
Sunday, July 02, 2006 8:37 AM
I dont feel bad one bit for that guy, those two supras are sitting there not being driven and even more Americans are sitting at home without well paying jobs because of him.

I plan on taking this ticket to court even if I lose.

EcoEnvy some cops are cool, but sounds like you got one that got picked on and beatup a lot when he was in middleschool so probabally has a chip on his shoulder and is out to make the world right.

Stenger wrote:Erik, our illegals ran to Ohio, since Florence had a crack down on over 100 illegals. lol. Sadly, I was friends with the guy that was hiring all them. I had no idea he was doing it either. lol. It was something we all joked about, but never expected it to be true. So now his sitting in Boone County Jail. While is 2 really bad ass 10sec and 9sec Supra's are sitting unattended Really brings a tear to my eyes....

However, he gets what he deserves.


Re: Y do cops have to harrass us young drivers...?
Monday, July 03, 2006 4:35 AM
blackeco, if your car was parked on your stores property then its basically considered private property and the ticket shouldnt be valid. now if you had the car parked on the street, then that will be hard to beat. its just like an accident at the mall. the cop can't ticket you because its considered private property.

http://www.flickr.com/photos/sndsgood/ https://www.facebook.com/#!/Square1Photography
Re: Y do cops have to harrass us young drivers...?
Monday, July 17, 2006 6:10 PM
yea i just got pulled over for no reason last night......... ended up doing a sobrity test, breathalizer, tested the tint on my windows(3.7, was thinkin about a loud exhaust ticket, no front plate ticket, all this for what ever reason he was crabby. All i gotta say is he was in a bad mood. i was very informative and every question i answer ended in sir. He told me the only reason he let me off on my exhaust is cause he said he liked how it sounds. but i now know how dark my windows are. 3.7% lmao

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Re: Y do cops have to harrass us young drivers...?
Monday, July 17, 2006 6:22 PM
simple!!! cuz there are TONS of stupid drivers who give them reason too!!

Re: Y do cops have to harrass us young drivers...?
Tuesday, July 18, 2006 2:15 PM
There just profiling all of us, cause there isn't anything better for them to do... Shouldn't they be more worried about people actually breaking the laws insted of profiling us?

This is sorta off topic to... But lately around where i live state and county have been pulling over alot of cars and searching them and all of the drivers and passengers are of a different race?

I think we should be able to write cops tickets for some of the things they do!!!

2004 Turbo cavalier 11PSI and blown!
Re: Y do cops have to harrass us young drivers...?
Wednesday, July 19, 2006 11:15 AM
Hmmmmmmmm i think you should invest in a radar detector and learn where your local cops like to hang out....this will help you to avoid any more confrontations with your "enemy"....or you could just drive normal and not draw attention to yourself

RIP JESSE GERARD.....7.11.87/1.25.08(sunfireboi)
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Re: Y do cops have to harrass us young drivers...?
Wednesday, July 19, 2006 11:48 AM
I've never owned a radar dectector and have always driven a car/ truck that was modded. I never gave them a reason to pull me over and if I did I deserved it (speeding etc.). But when your minding your own business and don't give them a reason that is BS like in the case stated above. Most import cars and trucks have clearence markers that from the front shine white and the sides are amber because they pass through the amber reflector on the side. the law in mich. is vary clear though. It's a bs law and would bring up the point I just stated. I know the bulbs your talking about and the shine white ( use hyper white). If they were the gay blue bulbs or green bulbs, etc then yes you shouldn't have them in. The law only applies if the emit a yellow/amber color. nothing about the color of glass because 1/2 of the turn signals use a white/clear bulb and pass throught a amber housing. lastly 8 times out of 10 if your driving a primer car or a car with parts falling off your going to get pulled over.

-Know the rivised code for the mods your doing.
-try to know other oem cars that might have the same type of mods (HID's Clear tails, etc.)
-explain calmly why it's legal
-don't give them a reason
-don't drive junk

met.cav. he's just gunning for you. Your car is in good shape and that little light bulb is nothing to be worried about. watch your back and if he tries to give you a ticket when your already out of your car on private property he can't. Next time park your car on private property and get out before you walk over there!

Quote: no ofence man but if you have so much experience in all that why does your car look like crap?

Re: Y do cops have to harrass us young drivers...?
Thursday, July 20, 2006 4:54 AM
HAHAHA...... I got pulled over for no front plate (it was behind the mesh but got a warning) but got a ticket for no seat belt! So don't say I don't give back to the community!

Quote: no ofence man but if you have so much experience in all that why does your car look like crap?

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