I need a stock muffler for my 2002 cavalier. If anyone has anything let me know. Thanks.
I have mine off my 02. I took it off with like 200mi on it. It was off w/in the first week or 2 I bought the car new. Email me.
Quote: no ofence man but if you have so much experience in all that why does your car look like crap?
Yellowcavailer wrote:I have mine off my 02. I took it off with like 200mi on it. It was off w/in the first week or 2 I bought the car new. Email me.
wow. i took mine off about 4 months after buyin it. but i bought it used last year for my 02. aren't you local to me david? i'm in westfield.
my carDomain
The pin stripes and badges and molding were stripped two days after I bought it and after about 2-3 weeks I lowered it. and had the window famed and tinted.
Quote: no ofence man but if you have so much experience in all that why does your car look like crap?
Yeah, westfield < 30 minutes.
oh ya lebanon. shoot me an email. not sure how much you are needin and wantin to spend. i'm flexible cuz im not needin it anymore.
my carDomain
I got the full exhaust of my 05 cavalier LS Sport..
I just need the muffler... and really need a pic.
I have a stock 03 muffler I may be interested in letting go... ive been looking at another muffler.
heres the best pic ive got...
Will you shoot me an email if you want to get rid of it? Thanks.
Mine is the same as that if he dosen't work out for ya. I'm not going to be using mine eathier.
Quote: no ofence man but if you have so much experience in all that why does your car look like crap?
Would you be willing to ship it? I just had sugery and can't drive. Also, what price are you looking for? Thanks alot.
You pay for shipping and my lunch ($5) we can do this? Email me.
Quote: no ofence man but if you have so much experience in all that why does your car look like crap?
Hey if any one has a dual exhaust stock for sale id be willing to purchase it...drop me a line GarayS281@comcast.net
im waiting on a sound clip from the muffler i want and i'll let ya know
Alright, I'll be waiting to hear from you. No hurry. Also waiting to hear back from Evan. Thanks for your help guys.
I have to find a box to put it in. I hate boxes!
Quote: no ofence man but if you have so much experience in all that why does your car look like crap?
i'll see what i can do. i thought you had it worked out already.
my carDomain
im waitin on john piparo to get me a sound clip...
Hmm... alright, well whenever anyone has some info shoot me an email, or leave a post. Thanks.