Wasabi & Wing Command At The Victorian Square Shopping Center Weekend Meet.
These two business have both offered support for us hanging out in the lot in that shoping center so long as we conduct ourselves maturely. As Loco has said in other threads about this the kind of crap that goes on at kroger and other places WILL NOT be tolerated here. They have allready prooven meets like that can be kept under controll if managed properly. We needa start utilizing this resource! People are always bitching about not having a safe place to hang well now heres a chance for a clean slate. It is in southside but its not that far away
not like its in petersburg or some @!#$ right? Sounds like people have been wanting to go anywhere from 8:00 on til 10:00 or later. Im sure we wont have cop problems so long as people dont make asses of themselves. I just figured a thread dedicated to this was in order to make it happen.
For those of you wondering where the hell this place is at its the shopping center on hull with K-mart, Applebees, ect on hull not to far up from courthouse. You can take 288 to hull towards the city and itl be up on your right. You can also hit up hull from chipenham away from the city and itl be on your left a few lights up from courthouse. People generaly meet in the area between wasabi, wing command, and crapplebee's. If you cant find the shopping center look for the bigass old house out front you cant miss it.
99 Turbo Sunfire GT | Ram 2500 | International Rollback | Mr Hanky the Suburban
id be down for coming out and checking it out but i have no idea were it is
Fast isn't always good, looks and sound is sometimes better
were about an hr and a half south of the base. you should come out sometime
not many j body people in the richmond area.
99 Turbo Sunfire GT | Ram 2500 | International Rollback | Mr Hanky the Suburban
I would love to go but school just started back up and work has been keepin me busy. How often are you planning to meet? I will be able to go once my work load lightens a little.
One of these weekends, i will take a cruise out there..its only 1 1/2 hours away.
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every friday night. hope any or all of you guys can make it out sometime
99 Turbo Sunfire GT | Ram 2500 | International Rollback | Mr Hanky the Suburban