This may sound off the wall, but does anyone in the VA Beach area either work at or know someone that works at Household Finance/HSBC in that area. Im looking at relocating sometime, and was curious about some things! Thanks
sorry wish i could help more go to the team j-revalution thread and ask there
Was that a... Cav??
it used to be anyway.......
i have heard of household. why do you ask
New sig in the works
Yes I have they are in VAB they are always hiring people if your looking for a JOB>
"its fun to take a trip, put gas in your car."
they are always hiring, but i heard they have a high turnover rate. if you don't make your quata your gone
New sig in the works
I was thinking about relocating there for a management type job, because they do the same thing we do where i wrok, supposedly they pay way more though