luv the pix, was this a car show or some kind of meet?

~Using nitrous is like having sex with a hot chick with an STD, you wanna hit it, but your afraid of the consequences.~
yo mike where u been at
Kill list:03 eclipse, 06 GTO, 04 Mach 1 Mustang
wheres my cav chaz! ass.... lol
Its there, did you follow the link?
i know its THERE< i want it HERE lol
locdizzel wrote:yo mike where u been at
Down in southeast GA. now. You know how the army is, they sent me down here so i can be close to my family. Its cool so far im almost at my 400hp goal i've been waiting on final parts for like a month in a 1/2. Just did a big brake kit will be posting pix soon. How u been doing and how's the car?

~Using nitrous is like having sex with a hot chick with an STD, you wanna hit it, but your afraid of the consequences.~
baller, i just sold the car and got an evo gsr sliver
Kill list:03 eclipse, 06 GTO, 04 Mach 1 Mustang

thats cool your going to have alot of fun with it trust me i know any mods yet? i got the new camaro on order so i can make the cavalier a show car.

~Using nitrous is like having sex with a hot chick with an STD, you wanna hit it, but your afraid of the consequences.~
not yet, lookin for the best options right now but hks ssqv bov is number one on the list
Kill list:03 eclipse, 06 GTO, 04 Mach 1 Mustang