179,400 miles are on the body .
The current engine has lifter tick so that needs to be replaced or just get a new engine.
The sunroof motor needs to be replaced.
Theres a crack in the front bumper which expected from a fiberglass bumper.
The a/c needs a recharge.
These are the only problems. I am a student I can't afford to fix this car I would love to see it go to a jbody lover. This is a great project car for someone who knows how to fix the lifter tick or build engines.
If anyone is interested make an offer all will be considered. I may even part the car out email me at jluketwo@gmail.com
I will post some more up to date pics soon.
hey man are you still wanting to sell your car still.>>>>>>>> let me know i am interested in it
yes I am still selling it shoot me an email jluketwo@gmail.com
Ballpark figure on what you're looking to get for it?
2003 VW Passat Turbo (20 psi Daily Driver)
1988 BMW 325i (Spec E30 Race Car Project)
Long Gone: 1997 Cavalier RS, 1966 Ford Mustang, 2002 Honda S2000, and so on...
it is an auto. Im asking 4000-5500ish depending on what i don't take out of the car like the system,rims,...etc. But like I said to all make an offer and maybe we can work something out
if anyone wants to offer between 3500-4500 why have a deal call my cell (336) 399-7904 leave a msg if i don't answer
well at this point 3000 includes everything except the rims & springs/struts the audio system is sold. with rims&spring im asking 4000
Hey do you still have the stock gt front and rear bumper I may be interested in buying those.
well no luck here lucks like im going to carmax to get my 500 dollars lol
listen man, its a damn good looking car and for the right price, I'd jump all over it if it was a stick.. but $4000 for a '96 with that many miles on it is nuts, especially considering that the motor needs help and the front bumper is cracked or whatever, as you said... if it was immaculate with lower miles, then sure.. I'd offer $3k and that's about it. we gotta guy in town with the same thing, but 2 yrs newer and alot less miles, and he told me $3k for it a few yrs ago.. NOT BEIN A D*CK

R.I.P. JessE Gerard 7.11.87 - 1.25.08
The Radiation Nation Facebook Twitter Twisted Metal Alliance
I hear yah. No one wants to make an offer at this point im considering everything which means im disregarding the prices i stated earlier. I realize at this point it is just an expensive parts car. I listed the problems because im not trying to S@#T anyone. It seems I could make just as much money back just parting it out when theres at least 2k in parts yet thats all the car is worth.
thats what I'm doin with my '73 Chevy Nova.. parting it out.. like I said, I'd get it if it was a stick, but the guy I mentioned earlier with the same car was also auto.. at least you understood what I was sayin and didnt get all pissy, you're cool people

R.I.P. JessE Gerard 7.11.87 - 1.25.08
The Radiation Nation Facebook Twitter Twisted Metal Alliance
Yea man at this point thats my only option I would let it go for 2grand now with the 16 alloy rims tho. But now im on my quest lookin for locals looking for deals on parts
you shoulda kept your factory parts, then you could put it back together like stock or as stock as possible.. it'd be easier to sell that way, unless the car was in better shape. if it was flawless, then it'd be easy to sell 'cause it takes care of the ground work for some people.. but havin to fix a cracked bumper, then get it painted, then worryin about the motor poppin.. no one's gonna wanna deal with it unless they get it cheap enough to have spare money to work on it. like right now, I'm lookin for a Sunfire GT about your yr with your kinda mileage on it.. that way, I can get it cheap and take the rest of the money I'd have from sellin my Cavalier and finishing building up the LD9 sittin in my shed.. then get the car kitted like yours, and etc.

R.I.P. JessE Gerard 7.11.87 - 1.25.08
The Radiation Nation Facebook Twitter Twisted Metal Alliance
truth be told to get the bumper fixed would only be 200. the car was fully repainted when the kit was installed and was immaculate until it got d-boed by a driveway . The tick isn't even that bad but there is tick. If i could just find someone locally to trade some of my parts with for stock parts i'd give them a great deal.
fpz24 (Akira) wrote:
i'm sorry. but i don't even remember posting here!!!
nevermind, i JUST saw the time and date. i was in clearwater.

*MSR 190 wheels not shown in sig.
5 seconds to find another street...
Well looks like the Parents are gonna help me with a new engine. I wish I could just get rid of this old 96 its the worst dang year to have period.
I don't know, I've heard about some pretty awesome 96 GTs....

Your fight begins tonight.