Hey anyone else having a problem logging onto the JCO right now? i keep getting a download a file or search for it or something along those lines.
<image src="http://www.j-body.org/registry/cavy95/thumbnail_miss0913_40.jpg">
ya i get the same thing maybe its down or hacked who knows....
JCO down AGAIN? What a surprise.
What are you talking about the jco hasent been down in ages
And I am also having the same problem probably got hacked
Cheap website ... maybe they should finally fix that. I can't recall in the many years being on the .org that it has ever been hacked or compromised.
it has, not as often but it has been down
So did anyone actually download the requested file? lol
i highly doubt it got hacked.. my guess is that the database is feeling sick, i've seen it on other sites.
if it were hacked, i think you'd see a more "creative" front page with lots of numbers thrown in with random letters :p
OK it seems to be back up runing fine for me now. oh well.
<image src="http://www.j-body.org/registry/cavy95/thumbnail_miss0913_40.jpg">
i dunno what ur all talking about, this is the 1st time i can remember it being down in years.....
well it did go down in 06 for a few days then the whole revamp came