well its that time of the year again when everyone is taking their cars out or going back to "summer mode" lol so i thought why not have a j-body meet to start off the season. anyways just seeing whos intrested and getting some dates for this.
im thinking the 23rd of April, its a sunday. but the date can change depending on if ppl can make it or not.
post up if your in, or with a better date.
damnit, im gone the 22nd for most the summer on work
ahh that sucks man, at the rate at which ppl are responding to this post tho dosent really look like there will be a meet tho....lol. i guess no one checks the regions anymore.
hopefully more ppl see this....comon sudbury ppl lets get on it
I'll be in town for a week in the middle of May, doesn't help much
15.69@86.670 - stock 99Z
newt, you have msn? add me if you do, broda_isab@hotmail.com
ok so far its just me....lol best j-body meet evar!!!!1!!
Yoo, i'm gonna be at the whitegold car wash tomoro cleaning my car. Can meet up if u want.
Hey man im always around
Let me know whatever day you wanna meet up
Maybe Next Sunday or a small get together this week before Broda leaves town
well boys, hows friday night, that would be the 21?
still gives a whole week for more ppl to decided to go plus broda can go b4 he leaves town. i just had jaw surgery last week so im not really doing so well right now but i should be fine by friday.
anywho, whats everyones thoughts on friday?
Darren MacDonald: your on JCO right? i dont know if anyone else is on that board so if you know any sudbury boys from there tell them about the meet and to show up!!!
i like the sounds of that
finally things are looking up!!
how is firday for everyone else?
well its going to be at night, probally about 7-8, depending on what time you work till you can maybe show up after work?
I may have to work till 9 or 10. I'll have to see on friday.
ok well even so you can probally swing by later and catch us, hopefully you dont have to work tho. add me to msn if you want/have it, d_knutson@hotmail.com
ohhh we need a location guys, ideas?
we should pick a spot where alot of ppl are gonna wonder whats going on lol
Well set up a place and time and if i'm off early enough i'll drop by.
Friday, 7:30pm in the parking lot infront of Chapters(the book store, hopefully everyone knows where that is).
Park in the spaces at the back of the lot closest to the Kingsway(the parking spaces that overlook the Kingsway). ill probally end up showing up a bit early so just look for my car. this way we are hopefully away from ppl who are shopping and it will be nice and open so we can all park next to eachother.
I hope this works for everyone.
I'll totally be there

Disclaimer: I will probally offend you with what is written in this post.
YAY sounds good to me ill be there hopefully... its in my agenda now
sweet deal, who else is coming?
common' its going to be fun!!! lol
im gonna be late, be there like 830ish, hope everyones still there