Hey I saw ya outside wal-mart today in your car.. I think you where leaving the gym or some crap.. I honked at ya and flipped ya off but ya didnt see me. I dont have your number anymore.
I was BS-ing outside radio shack with the guy that work there that rides the black GSXR750 with the rockstar stickers on it... he flagged me down because he recognized my bike LOL I was on my ZX6R
You know that crazy ass kid with the yellow R6? I've been wondering why I havnt seen him this year yet... I was talking to that guy and apparently that kid let one of his friends take that beautiful special edition yellow R6 that I was drooling over when it was for sale at Sette's out for a ride.... and his friend totaled the thing beyond recognition withing a few blocks... I really thought he would have ended up killing it himself.... shame that such a nice bike god smashed
So when the hell we going riding F-er
lol, i saw ya, i didnt know that was you... that was my friend matt you were talkin to. he must not have told you that i lost my bike. ill text you my #. Ive been thinkin about making my cavy a project car you know where i can get some used stuff?
i love that we belong to a forum where you can call someone out and flip them out then talk about it lol

My car may run 18s, but I can do your taxes in 10 seconds flat.
JBO lube - they would never have enough in stock and we'd never see RodimusPrime again
I've always been like that... I'll walk up to people I barely know and yell... "Hey F-er whats up" while smiling. Flipping people off and calling them F-er (kind of a term of endearment) is a somewhat common blue collar greeting around here lol.
Thats a bummer about the bike.... I usually dont ride with people but the only people I know with faster bikes only ride about twice a year. SO you 'lost" it? Hopefully you remember where ya left it soon
If your looking for used parts if Gary is ever around (gmanz24) he usually has every J-body in every salvage yard in 100 miles memorized... but he cant decide if he wants to live in MN or IL for some reason.... damnit Gary... come the hell home and we can have a screw with cars and drink beer meet ya F-er.
I have a LO manifold and adapter flange i'll never put on my car... but im not 100% on if im gunna keep both or not.
Ya the guy I was talking to had Matt on his name tag, I recognized your car from the exhaust, and he said he knew who ya where.... I told him I knew you because "that f-er got a free strut bar out of me" joking around.
I may finish the sunfire im just not sure yet... I've been focusing on the bikes more then anything. If ya need anything just ask.
I saw your text leaving work tonight.
im not sure what i want do with it exactly
hey weebel, got some ?'s about the headlight swap, can you text me when you have some free time
^^ ya I can text ya, but I've never done a headlight swap LOL.
Whatcha doing?
Im here in MN man!

just this week i started out in MN, drove to IL, then to OH, bought me a 05 sunfire there, drove to IL and stripped some parts off it, and i just showed up in MN a few hours ago, my cav and sunfire are their own junkyards right now filled with parts
lookin for 03-05 cavi headlights and all the extra little brackets needed to mount an 03 front bumper.
and im still lookin for some side skirts and a rear bumper (but they aren't in my my budget this week
I wonder if mizgins (sure thats spelled wrong) has any... theres also this place near blooming. The problem is finding a car that either just dies or was rear ended if your looking for headlights
got hood, headlights, front bumper, rear trunk lid, still need LSS sideskirts, rear bumper, and a spoiler
misgens only has one 03 and ive already had a date with that one, the only one i can think of near blooming is carneys, and they're just outside of Austin and they dont let you pull parts anymore, you have to call and tell them what you want then they go and pull it, and charge you through the nose for it. I called them today $35 for each individual taillight piece totaling $140 for a full set of 00-02 tails. Ebay just might become my new friend
LOL ya. and thats who I was thinking of, that who I got my transmission from (that already needs replaced again.
Apparently theres more stuff near the citites but down here J-body parts like that are harder to find for some strange reason.
fo sho, im going to try and head back out there on tues (misgens)
Sweet, now all ya need is some paint and an Eco swap.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edited Thursday, July 08, 2010 9:31 PM
i do have motor plans, but not an eco
LD9 ?
That would be even better
Do yourself a favor if you swap to a 2.4, and dont use an izuzu tranny (if you have a manual) trust me
ive said this once or twice before, probably not on here though because of all the hate replies i would get, but i will never own an LD9
wait what?
I know you aint hating on the LD9 foo. lol
So your gunna stay with the LN2?
ive worked in several shops over the last couple years, and i couldn't go three days with seeing one come in for something. Cooling issues were the most common problem they would come in for, especially the malibu's