I have the oppertunity to get some Z wheels from the 97ish Z's.
i'm only going to get them if i can sell them. would any one be interested in buying them?
they are almost perfect. i'm not sure the quality of the tires.
send me a PM if you are intersted. let me know as soon as possible so this oppertunity doesnt pass.
i also posted this in Wheel and Tire forum.
not spamming just want people to know that they are available and not to miss out on them.
depends on price and actual condition. if they are indeed 'mint' i mean...

Needing 2.3 oil pump stuff? PM me...
Yea, mint condition doesnt always mean the same to different people...You'de more than likely have a better chance of selling them if you had pictures of the wheels.
do you have a price idea and pics? i am needing a set...maybe
Primer Counts as Custom Paint Right?
BTW: This is my Sig.
Well i dont have any pics.
i'm trying to get ahold of some.
i wouldnt say they are "mint" as mint to me means streight out of the factory perfect. they have a couple small blemishes that could be takin care of with a little sand paper, wich would be used if you were going to paint them any way.
mint means perfect or flawless...a few blemishes means they are in good condition lol how much are you wanting for them though
Primer Counts as Custom Paint Right?
BTW: This is my Sig.